Black Metal.

I don't see what's so questionable or "funny" about that particular photo. I know for a fact that Rob Darken partakes in battle reenactments along with hundreds of others. What's wrong with two proud men paying homage to the ways of their pagan ancestors?
because it's cooler if you cut your arms onstage or act suicidal, or if you have some far flung pseudo anti christian pro satan stance. c'mon man, get with the times and trends
plus, if i took band photos seriously, i would have missed out on tons of great stuff. just look at immortal, darkthrone, emperor or even burzum
I don't see what's so questionable or "funny" about that particular photo. I know for a fact that Rob Darken partakes in battle reenactments along with hundreds of others. What's wrong with two proud men paying homage to the ways of their pagan ancestors?

Nothings wrong with it, it's just kind of funny looking.
Serious as in what? If you mean serious as in Graveland is one of the best bands on the planet, then yes. Woodtemple, on the other hand, is merely average.

Though it could be worse: I could be a Xasthur fan.

I was probably the biggest fans of Graveland back in 97-98 but since creed of iron Rob is kinda running out of idea for music and even for pictures :S so he's not really better than Malefic.

and Woodtemple is quite mediocre.
plus, if i took band photos seriously, i would have missed out on tons of great stuff. just look at immortal, darkthrone, emperor or even burzum

Yea but they never had photos at that level. I did that dressed up like that when I was five.

As for paying homage, there better ways, and I dont really see the need to pay homage.
I think the pic is lame for a couple reasons. The 'costumes' look very cheap and plastic as if they were playing 'dressup', and the 'angry' smirk on that guy's face is just comical. However, I don't mind some of Graveland's material.
^ Agreed.

The photos are ridiculous, but the last couple of albums have been really great.

Well, I'm sort of half and half with Graveland. I enjoy some early material, and some recent material in addition to disliking some albums here and there. I really like the new album but I thought Fire Chariot was just boring and bland.
Fire Chariot Of Destruction was boring ... Dawn of Iron Blades and Will Stronger Than Death are great though :kickass:

I wish he would bring a litle more grunt into the production though, it's always a little muddy which I find blurs the music (not in a good way). It needs to be a little more crisp imo, but not so much more polished as such.
Fire Chariot Of Destruction was a bit unbalanced, but it had some very strong material, such as Creator And Destroyer.
Fire Chariot Of Destruction was boring ... Dawn of Iron Blades and Will Stronger Than Death are great though :kickass:

I wish he would bring a litle more grunt into the production though, it's always a little muddy which I find blurs the music (not in a good way). It needs to be a little more crisp imo, but not so much more polished as such.

I completely agree. That's one thing I dislike about Graveland. I don't mind his raw production (it suits the music) but usually I find that thick-muddish production hinders the impact of the music, it seems to bring every instrument and emotion down to the same tone and gives it an overall completely generic touch to it.
I don't see what's so questionable or "funny" about that particular photo. I know for a fact that Rob Darken partakes in battle reenactments along with hundreds of others. What's wrong with two proud men paying homage to the ways of their pagan ancestors?

Well he should either:

A)Dress like a celt. Take off his shirt, paint on some (Colored) paint, grab that shield, buy some checkered pants and a bear pelt, and act angry.


B) Dress like a viking. Cool looking armour. Dark, dirty with a huge mortherfucking axe, maybe holding the head of a dead priest.
