Black Metal.

I just feel that US BM fans concentrate on USBM too much, this is all I'm trying to get across, and nearly all of you defend your scene by saying it rules etc. I can't recall the last time I saw an American BM fan on this board saying anything negative about USBM... seriously guys!

And I can't recall the last time an American mentioned liking USBM without you coming out with your own bias against it. You're a broken record.

As far as "supporting our scene" you realize how big the US is? It's not like I can hop, skip, and jump on over to California from Texas to see Leviathan or Xasthur. I live north of Houston, so I have no scene.

THat being said, yes, USBM is overrated. Xasthur is terrible, Leviathan is average, that Weakling album is vastly overrated, Demoncy is pretty good, Absu is OK. THe best thing here IMO is Wolves in the THrone Room, but one album simply isn't enough for me to declare them as an excellent band. Perhaps they should quit now and they'll get the Weakling treatment, having released one cult album.
And I can't recall the last time an American mentioned liking USBM without you coming out with your own bias against it. You're a broken record.

As far as "supporting our scene" you realize how big the US is? It's not like I can hop, skip, and jump on over to California from Texas to see Leviathan or Xasthur. I live north of Houston, so I have no scene.

THat being said, yes, USBM is overrated. Xasthur is terrible, Leviathan is average, that Weakling album is vastly overrated, Demoncy is pretty good, Absu is OK. THe best thing here IMO is Wolves in the THrone Room, but one album simply isn't enough for me to declare them as an excellent band. Perhaps they should quit now and they'll get the Weakling treatment, having released one cult album.

How is xasthur terrible?
How is Xasthur terrible? I don't know. Malefic goes into the studio and records music and it turns out terrible.
I dont see how you find it the best album ever. I can say there are about 6 other albums that destroy that album but it is up there.
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is my second favorite album. My favorite is Grand Declaration of War. It's more of the post-black metal sound then what one might call a true sound, but it was amazing for the points of technicality and artistic expression. Well I like it, that's all I have to say.
I just feel that US BM fans concentrate on USBM too much, this is all I'm trying to get across

I've responded to this argument before. This is not an American phenomenon in the least. There will always be a disproportionate number of fans of bands from a specific country within that country, and there are numerous reasons for it. Patriotism, proximity, relateabiliy, exposure, etc. However, I don't think that these are the majority either, unless you're counting even the most casual fans.

Basically my position is this; this argument is totally bunk. Fans from a given country will hail bands from said country, this is in no way exclusive to America. And given that this beloved board on which you're posting is US based, it really isn't all that surprising to find a possibly disproportionate acknowledgment of US Black Metal scene. Regardless, USBM still gets WIDELY ridiculed, even (sometimes ESPECIALLY) in the US, so any disproportionate ratios you may sense between US BM fans and USBM bands being stronger than any other 'scene' becomes kind of irrelevant considering the fact that there is no other Black Metal scene more shat upon than the one in question.

I can't recall the last time I saw an American BM fan on this board saying anything negative about USBM... seriously guys!

Seriously? Seriously?! You have highly selective memory. Also, most people here realize that it's more productive to talk about the positive aspects of music and scenes than it is to give credence to the crap. Why the hell would I want to talk about Thornspawn?

The reason I bring this up is that it makes talking about BM as a whole difficult with you guys. Nachtmystium comes up on every other page, and then one of you praises the USBM scene and everyone else jumps on as well. I really feel some of you are missing the whole thing with BM because you seem wrapped in the bubble of USBM and don't seem to want to branch out.

I agree with the Nachtmystium part and the praising part (which is almost always done by one of two people), but those jumping up against you are more, well, against you than for USBM because they grow weary of your weak arguments in support of some conspiratorial conglomerate working to heighten the importance and amount of discussion about USBM. As for the last comment, I think the only one here that doesn't really listen to much outside of USBM is cookiecutter, and he's not the biggest Black Metal fan. He just happened to have found something that he likes in USBM, and I say more power to him instead of "he seems wrapped in the bubble of USBM and doesn't seem to want to branch out."

I'm not saying I'm the most open-minded guy there is, hell we all have our thing, but I find that the US BM fans on here don't care too much about anything other than USBM. Don't get me wrong - it's GOOD that you guys support your local scene, but balance out your knowledge etc and cut your bias towards USBM.

This is such bullshit. Pretty much everyone here from the US talks about non-US bands far more than they do US bands, with the possible exceptions of cookiecutter and MasterOLightning. However, take into consideration Krigloch, J., Cythraul, swizzlenuts, Zephyrus, myself, and others. Every person that I mentioned rarely talks about USBM unprovoked, and you're usually the one provoking the discussion in response to something that cookiecutter or MasterOLightning says and then applies the same criticism to everyone from the US. swizzlenuts doesn't even know any USBM bands because he's a fucking retard.

Now if I'm totally correct about how I feel about US fans and USBM, I probably will get very few abusive replies to this post. However, I don't think that's going to be the case.

Peace folks.

You're actually totally (well, maybe not totally, but almost entirely) incorrect, but hopefully you won't take this post as 'abusive.' My intention in this response is hopefully to make you understand once and for all that your theory on US BM fans is misguided and does not hold water due to the prior points that I have laid out, and I am hoping that this will be the last time that the issue has to be addressed. I am not taking this upon myself as a USBM fan, but rather as a member of the community that is becoming irritated that a single line of discussion has to proliferate into so many different threads and discussions when its very conceptual basis is flawed and not worth discussing because it's so blatantly wrong.
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is my second favorite album. My favorite is Grand Declaration of War. It's more of the post-black metal sound then what one might call a true sound, but it was amazing for the points of technicality and artistic expression. Well I like it, that's all I have to say.

What a complete load of garbage that album is.
As much an advocate I am for the Euro stuff, you can't judge the whole of USBM based on just one band. Use myspace and search of few others. If you draw the same conclusions of mediocrity, well, then that's just your personal preference.
sweet jesus thank you MattDodensNec

on a side note, my opinion of Inquisition seems to be changing...the vocals aren't as annoying as I once thought them to be.
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is my second favorite album. My favorite is Grand Declaration of War. It's more of the post-black metal sound then what one might call a true sound, but it was amazing for the points of technicality and artistic expression. Well I like it, that's all I have to say.

I like GDoW too. MDS is probably my most played Mayhem album though
And who the hell cares where a band comes from. If the music is good listen to it and if it isn't don't. Simple.