Black Metal.

Believe it or not, I actually don't. It's just that you folks are over-patriotic. I'm simply saying that you guys are sticking up for your local band, which is great. It's just that that local band is totally shit. :D

Most American metalheads aren't very patriotic. Metal and liberalism seem to mix well together, don't you think?

And despite our shitty output, Nachtmystium is one American band I will stick up for. It takes a lot for a US band to draw my praise.
Most American metalheads aren't very patriotic. Metal and liberalism seem to mix well together, don't you think?

And despite our shitty output, Nachtmystium is one American band I will stick up for. It takes a lot for a US band to draw my praise.

You could've fooled me! I haven't seen one person from your country NOT say that a USBM band rules or something along that line.

Anyway - there is some good stuff. Weakling, Xasthur, LoC (better than his work on Leviathan), Veil.
Most American metalheads aren't very patriotic. Metal and liberalism seem to mix well together, don't you think?

And despite our shitty output, Nachtmystium is one American band I will stick up for. It takes a lot for a US band to draw my praise.

There may not be alot of good 'new' metal bands but historically the US has had plenty of great bands.
Indeed, but I was referring to current output and/or in the same span of history that other countries have been producing black metal bands.
You could've fooled me! I haven't seen one person from your country NOT say that a USBM band rules or something along that line.

Anyway - there is some good stuff. Weakling, Xasthur, LoC (better than his work on Leviathan), Veil.

Well, no shit - because there are plenty of awesome fucking USBM bands.

Wolves in the Throne Room, Fanisk, Grand Belial's Key, and Velvet Cacoon (for Genevieve at least.)
Assuming one has the means to listen to a lot of metal bands, I don't know why one wouldn't have checked them out yet. At least look up the myspace page.

People who bitch about black metal bands all sounding like Darkthrone or Burzum should be satisfied with these guys.

Great post my friend.

have you ever heard Drautran (germany)
I have their demo downloaded. its pretty good
Im still waiting for them to release their new cd

I'll definitely give them a listen. For some reason I've been on a German BM stint lately after Lunar Aurora released the awesome Andacht. Been playing nothing but LA, Geist, Morrigan, Nagelfar, Nargaroth, Helrunar, Nachtfalke.

Looking to get some Moonblood and Crom.
I really don't even pay attention to where bands are from a lot of the time, especially if they happen to be from the US. I couldn't care less where a band is from unless it is actually relevant to the music itself.

That said, US Black Metal bands that I do like: Profanatica (Totem/Contrivisti/Havehej), Tearstained, Night Conquers Day, Into The Sunless Meridian, Grand Belial's Key, Demoncy, Ceremony, I Shalt Become, Weakling, Xasthur (Nocturnal Poisoning), Leviathan (occasionally), Wolves In The Throne Room, Fanisk, Eldrig, Absu, Averse Sefira, Black Goat, Inquisition, Krieg, and possibly a few others I can't recall.
I don't remember thinking much of them.

I just remembered Cult Of Daath. Sin Origin was cool for a while, but you can only take so much Darkthrone worship.
You could've fooled me! I haven't seen one person from your country NOT say that a USBM band rules or something along that line.
I can't even begin to express how bullshit of a statement this is. With hundreds of black metal bands in the US, and several very well known ones, it would be odd for a black metal fan to not find one they really like. With the sheer number of metal bands period, I can't imagine anyone can't find bands they like from their home country. This hardly equates to patriotism or homerism.

For me, Nachtmystium is a local band, since I know some guys in (or were in) the band. For people in the rest of the US, I doubt it's very relevant at all.

The proportion of US bands I like is probably no different than that of bands from other countries. Since I usually only spend my money on stuff that's been well-received by many people, I tend to only purchase albums that are pretty good, regardless of location.
Meh, I already gave my reasoning for why I generally don't care for USBM about a month ago in this thread. I still think Wolves in the Throne Room are good but are incredibly overrated, along with tons of other bands that have reached such high acclaim. This is just my opinion, but it seems that more evident in USBM is there such a need to praise mediocrity.
I wouldn't call it mediocrity, just a style that is so radically diffrent yet so the same that it's often misunderstood. I think that's the best way to put the USBM-scene, lost in interpetation. People get to worked up over it. I say just listen to the music, you like it listen to it, don't, don't listen to it.