Black Metal.

Would you care to explain why you think Sapthuran is amazing, instead of just stating it?

Well Patrick(the guy behind Sapthuran real name) makes music that gives me a dark feeling while listening.He is also really really good at executing that darkthrone clone sound. They also have a place in my heart for being one of the first BM bands I got into. Its a personal thing, if you will
anyone heard the new sample of the new BaN album? it was amazing, but sadly they already removed it from their myspace.
CoF = gay GOTH "metal"
symphonic bm can be very good

COF rock....well in my opinion anyway. The previous albums were all the best. Symphonic black metal is the best. Chthonic, Hecate Enthroned, and Ancient all rock but suicidal black metal owns. The atmosphere is just so thick, gloomy, and devious. Leviathan and Limbonic Art completely blow me away.
COF rock....well in my opinion anyway. The previous albums were all the best. Symphonic black metal is the best. Chthonic, Hecate Enthroned, and Ancient all rock but suicidal black metal owns. The atmosphere is just so thick, gloomy, and devious. Leviathan and Limbonic Art completely blow me away.

I like the first 4 COF albums quite a bit. Since then they have decreased in quality dramatically for me. :erk:
I'm getting Nephetamine and Thornography in the mail, are those good for a first time listener of COF?

Personally I think they are pretty crappy.
Start with Dusk... and Her Embrace. Proceed with Cruelty and the Beast; V Empire or Dark Phaerytales in Phallustein; The Principle of Evil Made Flesh.
COF rock....well in my opinion anyway. The previous albums were all the best. Symphonic black metal is the best. Chthonic, Hecate Enthroned, and Ancient.

Cradle of filth has NOTHING to do with black metal, why do people think they play this kind of music is beyond me. The only "vampyric" bands that could be considered black metal is Crimson Moon and Black Funeral, that's all.
Have you lost your minds!?! Cradle of fags does NOT equal, repeat does NOT equal, black metal! What planet are you people on?! I suggest Xasthur instead or perhaps Satanic Warmaster.