Black Metal.

I don't understand why people hate Cradle of Filth. They used to categorize themselves as black metal, whether or not they actually fit that description is another matter, but nonetheless I enjoy their music immensely. How can you not enjoy Dani's extremely high pitched screams?
Cradle of Filth are gothic metal, the gothic theme has been with the band their entire existence. It's a known fact that they were influenced by black metal, death metal, thrash etc like many bands. The black metal influence is present on their earlier albums but towards the late 90's they basically withdrew it. As a long time, diehard fan I will say they used to be great but currently, they are awful.

People hate them, why? Here's is an exaggerated but true example, of some stupidity on the parts of many who dislike the band.

1. A magazine will say something like "Cradle of Filth's Nymphetamine = best black metal album of the year!!"

2. Black metal fans will take note of this and say: "zomgz! oh noes! they aren't black metal! What a profound and deep impact this will surely have on my life, whilst tarnishing the already tainted black metal scene!111"

3. After some mathematical resolution, a conclusion is reached and a ruling is given out regarding all black metal fans worldwide. "Because Cradle of Filth was adhere referred to as black metal by a relatively ignorant metal magazine, the band must therefore be poseurs in addition to not being black metal nor influenced by the genre whatsoever. And because of the general dislike for Dani Filth and bands with images (conveniently excluding the black metal image) they are once again poseurs, and gay faggoth pop music because of their mainstream appeal. And oh, Dani is a midget. Subsequently, those who do not like the band must refer to them as 'Cradle of (insert overused joke here)' at all times, refrain from using originality please. Repeat this formula ad nauseum whenever the band's name is mentioned." :Smug:
Yes, and that is an opinion. That applies to every single band in existence. Most often people dislike bands simply because the music doesn't appeal to them.

But almost everytime the band's name is brought up, some hero saves the day by saying "Cradle of Filth isn't black metal" like it isn't obvious.
:lol: You've got problems son. It's one thing to not like a band because their music doesn't sit well with you, but you just can't help yourself about CoF. Using the same, tired, cliche insults about a band you've never even listened to. As far as musicianship goes, their first 4 albums are amazing. If you disagree, try to come up with a better excuse than they're "Poppy-Faggoth Metal."

...And of course the fact that I dislike Cradle of Filth and think they're poppy faggoth-metal MUST be based on the fact that I've never listened to them before. Right. Way to pull conclusions out of your ass.
...And of course the fact that I dislike Cradle of Filth and think they're poppy faggoth-metal MUST be based on the fact that I've never listened to them before. Right. Way to pull conclusions out of your ass.

I think Richard meant this:
1. You've never listened to them without deciding ahead of time that they were a crap band, hence you've never given them a real chance. Whether this is true or not only you know.
2. By musicianship I am sure he is also referring to the quality of the SONGWRITING and not just how well they play their instruments.
3. He clearly said they were not black metal but were gothic metal.
What were you arguing then? ...

The post which you were responding to was a call to stay on topic, the topic of black metal. You disagreed with him. I'm not sure what your intent was in your response to him if it wasn't to say that CoF is black metal. Is your point that CoF is not black metal but they are technically proficient? Thanks for letting us know, I guess.

Further, the poster you responded to didn't say anything about the music of CoF, only that it was not black metal.

I wasn't really arguing anything. I was defending a band that gets too much shit for no reason. That obscurity guy used that same old tired one-liner that their "poppy faggoth music." There's nothing popular about CoF's sound first off. Secondly though, there's nothing wrong with gothic themed music. He's just too close-minded to even give anything a chance that is remotely different.

So all in all, I'm not even sure why you started replying to my posts. heh

edit: I'm still waiting for that one day when someone actually composes a good argument as to why they don't like CoF instead of just saying "they suck" or "they're gay."
I wasn't really arguing anything. I was defending a band that gets too much shit for no reason. That obscurity guy used that same old tired one-liner that their "poppy faggoth music." There's nothing popular about CoF's sound first off. Secondly though, there's nothing wrong with gothic themed music. He's just too close-minded to even give anything a chance that is remotely different.

So all in all, I'm not even sure why you started replying to my posts. heh

edit: I'm still waiting for that one day when someone actually composes a good argument as to why they don't like CoF instead of just saying "they suck" or "they're gay."

Cradle of Filth has a VERY commercial appeal unless your referring to their early stuff which still does but to a lesser degree. Once again you pull the conclusion out of your ass that I'm too closed-minded to even give them a chance. Believe me, I've listened to them, and it sounds like commercial pseudo-black metal to me.(fine I'll drop the whole "poppy-faggoth" thing but the fact that I say that isn't based on their image, necessarily. I simply don't like their music and I referred to them as such because this is a thread about black metal.)