Black Metal.

Eh, I give up. It doesn't matter, all the bands make excellent music.

By the way, I discovered this article about the "lies and half-truths" surrounding the life of Nargaroth's Kanwulf. WTF, man?

Hahahahaha, that is billiant! I mean, I've heard tales, but I never knew he was this bad! :D

My favourite part:

"First of all, it should be noted that—for once—Kanwulf’s agitation isn’t just words in this case, but—at least until, say, 2002—expression of sincere personal feelings. The motivation for it, however, is completely different from the one alleged: All of the afore-mentioned persons, accused by Kanwulf of not being close to the spirit of the music, were former fiancés or at least transient affairs of his then-wife. This as well as his then-wife’s liaison with virtually everybody who convincingly professes being capable of holding a guitar the right way around “unfortunately” wasn’t known to Kanwulf before the marriage."
you know what black metal band i checked out and liked? bathory. black metal bands that thrash like bathory and venom, if you can really call it thrashing, are cool.

but gorgoroth, dimmu borgir, 1349, and satryicon and old mans child, and all those bands all still suck. impaled nazarene is cool but i only heard ugra karma.

like my english is the suffer now today.
yeah, but hirilorn and DsO cant really be considered the same band. different members and different sound.

hirilorn is/was better
Depopulate EP is quite similar to infernal battles in my opinion, anyway I think they're both great bands.
I am giving Gorgoroth my first listen, and I was throughly underwhelmed by Ad Majorum Sathanus Gloriam, but I am loving Antichrist. Is this the general consensus or am I a dumbass?

AMSG was good. Antichrist and Pentagram are the two albums favored most.