Black Metal.

I have a question, has Bathory ever done a live show or tour? If not, why not? I keep hearing from some people they never did a live show or a tour in band history.

IMO, a live show when Quorthon was alive would have been a physical impossibility unless he recruited musicians to play with him live. And I'm not exactly certain whether or not "Bathory" played live, but it wouldn't surprise me. Darkthrone never tours either.
I'm glad Deathspell Omega's new album is being distributed through Southern Lord; that means it'll be easy to find. My local Virgin Megastore is filled to the brim with records from Southern Lord and Moribund.
You don't order online? Ajna has the album as well and probably for cheaper. I've dealt with them twice now and both times were fine.
Be Persecuted - I.I
People like this stuff? I listened to that once, had a chuckle, and deleted it myself. Although I'm not one for incoherent suicidal black metal anyway. ("Suicide Forest"? "Painful Assemble"? "Be Resented For Livelihood"??? Doesn't quite capture the imagination, does it?)

All they do is trade off conversational tokens they think make them look cool. "Is X a semiotically irridentist black metal band? No, try Y... they are a deontologically aphasic black metal band... that's the real shit, man."

And the rest of the time they talk about what they've bought, what they're listening to, how rare their collections are... anything but what really matters, which is how much did they understand the music? or the people behind it? do they get it? I say almost none do, and not surprisingly, the longest I can keep listening to any "new" black metal album is about 72 hours.

Fucking hipsters are the lowest class of mankind. They are like sudras of the spirit, even if they pretend to be Kings.
...sometimes I sympathize with his point of view, you sure have to dig through a lot of chaff to find any conversation of substance on forums like these.
You know, I really just cant bring myself to call Dimmu Borgir's more recent material (PEM and on, except the Stormblast reissue) Black Metal. Its more extreme metal with Black leanings.

The band still hasnt matched the greatness of Stormblast in my opinion. For All Tid was just hit and miss. Everything they were failing at on that album came together for them on Stormblast. Their other stuff just doesnt have the same level of emotion as that release does.
People like this stuff? I listened to that once, had a chuckle, and deleted it myself. Although I'm not one for incoherent suicidal black metal anyway. ("Suicide Forest"? "Painful Assemble"? "Be Resented For Livelihood"??? Doesn't quite capture the imagination, does it?)

...sometimes I sympathize with his point of view, you sure have to dig through a lot of chaff to find any conversation of substance on forums like these.
First of all, get off your high horse. Second, the English is bad because they don't speak English well being Chinese and all. It has poor production, but incoherent is not a word I'd use. The melody and riffs actually work well for the style. If it's not what you like, fine, but deriding them for their poor English, or for your inability to hear past the production is wrong.
First of all, get off your high horse. Second, the English is bad because they don't speak English well being Chinese and all. It has poor production, but incoherent is not a word I'd use. The melody and riffs actually work well for the style. If it's not what you like, fine, but deriding them for their poor English, or for your inability to hear past the production is wrong.
I wasn't referring to the production. Musically it just sounded like another band, and when an artist chooses a medium (in this case the English language) that they are utterly inept at using, then they fail to convey their message. All you have left are pretty sounds with funny names, which isn't what I look for in my music. If that's wrong, then I don't want to be right.
I like it a lot. It sounds very sincere...who gives a shit about song titles and whatever. It is honestly the sound that counts. Sure, a lot of it is pretty generic, but I feel as if Kanwulf once again made a good choice with an "exotic" band for a new addition to his label (No Colours, that is...the last band I'm aware he "signed" was Darkestrah, from Kyrgyzstan).
Heh, I care about song titles. I care about cover art, and album titles, and lyrical content, and well pretty much everything about the band. You know, kinda helps fully grasp what they're about.