Black Metal.

I don't think much of that booklet idea. The music should be able to stand on it's own. No amount of pictures or text will make up for pointless music, to me. Maybe thisisaformicatable will like it. :lol:
Never heard one note from this band, actually. This seems a good example of how your views are restrictive - an album doesn't conform to your preconceived notions of what music "should" be so you don't want to give it a chance. Or maybe it's just laziness?
I was watching that auction as well. I decided against bidding however.
I was the runner up at $251. Already a lot more than I was planning on paying. I looked at the guy I was going up against, and he was spending $50-100 on stuff left and right. He even paid nearly $200 for a SNES game. I figured I didn't have much of a chance of winning.
has anyone heard the new limbonic art song? it fucking sounds like dimmu borgir wtf lol

Listening to it now, here's the link...

Myspace has fogged the sound a bit, but the production sounds very similar to The Ultimate Death Worship. To these ears the song is solid, especially around the choral sections. I disagree that it sounds like Dimmu Borgir. DB is much more accessible than this.

I like the song, but I'm really hoping this isn't the highlight of the upcoming album. If so, then this will be Limbonic Art's weakest output to date. But, being the biggest LA fan on this board, I'll maintain my optimism that Daemon and Morfeus have more up their sleeves than cards like this one.

The album cover is pretty cool, keeping with the spacey theme. It's like a cross between the cover of In Abhorrence Dementia and Epitome of Illusions.
