Black Metal.

The song sounded very weak to me, and I'm a fan of the band. The intensity is certainly missing from the track. I'm going to need to hear some more tracks from this album before deciding to buy it or not. The album cover isn't helping matters either.
yeah now that i listened to it again, it doesn't sound like dimmu. i've only heard Ad Noctum Dynasty of Death by limbonic art, and i didn't hold my interest. how is ultimate death worship? Worth checking out i assume?

Anyways, I'm preparing myself to listen to the new Kroda :eek: It'd better not ruin their so far perfect record.
yeah now that i listened to it again, it doesn't sound like dimmu. i've only heard Ad Noctum Dynasty of Death by limbonic art, and i didn't hold my interest. how is ultimate death worship? Worth checking out i assume?

The Ultimate Death Worship is the lesser of their masterpieces, where the keyboards take a backseat to a fuller and more varied guitar play. I stil consider it a great album, bursting with hatred yet retaining a thin veil of beauty against the more violent stage. "Suicide Commando" is in my top 5 Limbonic Art songs, and can be found on that album.

Limbonic Art are a tutorial in the wrong way to use keyboards in my opinion.

Keyboards are often used wrong in metal because they are used as a secondary instrument trying to be a primary instrument, and failing. Limbonic Art, especially in the earlier half of their discography, arrange multiple keyboard layers into a fabric, backboned by simple guitar lines. Ad Noctum: Dynasty of Death saw the guitars attempting to usurp the dominant role of the keyboards, resulting in the band's finest work to date, where the perfect equilibrium of guitar and keyboard interplay was achieved.

The Ultimate Death Worship saw the guitars take too much power from the keyboards, thus weakening their effect and causing many critics to cry the decline of Limbonic Art. I do not deny this decline, but I'm still pumped for the new album.
"From Shades Of Hatred" features one of the BEST opening vocal elucidations (a scream in this case) in any metal song. I can't even describe it...just listen.

Anyway, I'm not a huge LA fan, but I own Moon In The Scorpio and like it quite a bit.
"From Shades Of Hatred" features one of the BEST opening vocal elucidations (a scream in this case) in any metal song. I can't even describe it...just listen.

Daemon is one of my favorite black metal vocalists. Such passion, such hatred spew forth from his throat. His vocals are one reason why Zyklon will never top their debut, on which he does vocals.