Black Metal.

I like to do this when hanging around in the metal section at stores. I have enlightened many a budding (and even experienced) metalhead in the past.

This worst experience I ever had was this.I was dressed in my normal black coat and black polo and nice jeans. I was looking at the new Suffocation and then this big guy in leather and his friend looked at the new Trivium. "Wow dude lets buy the new Trivium",they guy says. Then he looks at me and asks why am I in the metal section if I am dressed my way. He gave me shit. I just went away and brought the cd. I now know. Stay away from people in record shops.
For more recent essential bands I'd recommend:

Dark Tribe
Paysage d'Hiver

Though all are fairly obvious/well known.
I haven't heard anything spectacular from Immortal, a good solid band but I think theyre really overrated, I havent heard a single great/spectacular song from them, I've heard good songs but that's it. Immortal is my least favorite of the popular 7 of the 2nd Wave. Is there any Immortal songs out there that can change my mind?
People ask for and debate the essentiality of bands' musical output, while generally failing to define what "essentiality" is. What makes a band's music essential. According to the most recent debate in this thread, that definition seems to orbit around originality, such as the argument around Taake and Satyricon regarding folk melodies. Just because one did it first makes it more essential than the other who did the same thing a little later? That cannot necessarily be true.

So what if Satyricon was late in the game. I see essentiality being based on quality and not just originality. If Satyricon, in a subjective majority of opinion, made better music than originators, then Satyricon's music should be regarding as just as essential, if not more so than the originators of that musical style.

It's this "originality = essentiality" equation that seems to be the doctrine of way too many people who regard the classic bands as superior just because they started that musical style to begin with. I don't think it's fair, and I declare that any band, regardless of their chronological origin on the musical scene, should be judged regardless of their chronological difference with that of the originators of the same musical style. If they play it better, then it's not because they played it first.

[/drunken rant]
What a stupid last few pages. I see some value in trying to find the bands that have had the most influence, and have been the biggest innovators, and have defined the genre; but to so rigidly say which bands are in this elite group and which are not only weakens the genre in the long run. When everyone is exposed to the same black metal bands in the same order, it shouldn't come as a shock to anyone that when these people make music it all comes out, well, the same.

The same people who extol the top ten or so BM bands are the first to whine about all the modern bands sounding just like them.

Let people discover Burzum or Darkthrone on their own time. I don't see the harm in recommending someone Blood in Our Wells before Thousand Swords. After having heard enough black metal, one can make his own decisions as to what's better.

And this talk about trendiness is just so trite. There's no shame in liking a popular band, especially in underground black metal, when the trendiest of the modern bands still has a fraction of the following of one of the Norwegian 2nd wave bands. Emperor, Immortal, Burzum, Darkthrone, etc. have been trendy for 15 years.
essential =/= better

Satyricon is not essential because they did nothing new. Thus, they're not "essential."
Then you're wrong. Why would a retreading of ideas be essential? What is so absolutely indispensable about Satyricon or Taake that would validate them being deemed essential over the bands from whom the aforementioned bands took their ideas?
I think that essential should mean the highest and most consistent quality. If Satyricon or whoever do something better than the original, I think they should be considered essential. It is also true though, that originality is a factor that makes music a higher quality.
Then you're wrong. Why would a retreading of ideas be essential? What is so absolutely indispensable about Satyricon or Taake that would validate them being deemed essential over the bands from whom the aforementioned bands took their ideas?

A majority may find Satyricon to have outdone the innovators of their style.

For example, people may regard Aborym's Kali Yuga Bizarre as an essential album for industrial black metal, when in fact it was Mysticum, a lesser-known band, who founded the sub-genre with In the Streams of Inferno. So in this example, which album is more essential, the original one or the one held more highly in collective opinion?
If multiple bands recorded albums that did the same things, and all had a comparable level of quality, then none would be essential. Any one would suffice. I suppose an essential album would be providing things you can't get anywhere else.
I think that essential should mean the highest and most consistent quality. If Satyricon or whoever do something better than the original, I think they should be considered essential.


It is also true though, that originality is a factor that makes music a higher quality.

Very true, but it certainly is not an "if and only if" situation.
If multiple bands recorded albums that did the same things, and all had a comparable level of quality, then none would be essential. Any one would suffice. I suppose an essential album would be providing things you can't get anywhere else.
Good point

Very true, but it certainly is not an "if and only if" situation.