Black Metal.

agreed. drudkh isnt close to being essential. nor deathsmell omega.

try emperor, immortal, graveland, and enslaved. burzum a bit less so.
Maybe not of the essential popular (within the metal scene) black metal bands. But Drudkh are better than Immortal, Satyricon, Emperor, and a whole lot of other 'essential' black metal bands.
Maybe not of the essential popular (within the metal scene) black metal bands. But Drudkh are better than Immortal, Satyricon, Emperor, and a whole lot of other 'essential' black metal bands.

fuck off you trendster faggot

p.s. nobody worth a shit considers satyricon essential either
Essential black metal albums. Go!

I can't believe you can't find that by googling or looking at "my fav bm bands" kinda of kiddy topics, it's flooding most metal messageboards I go.

Anyway what I was enjoying 10 years ago when I was teen, mostly cliché stuff, it was...

-Emperor - Anthems and ITNE.
-Enslaved - Frost and Eld.
-Limbonic Art - Moon and Abhorence.
-Immortal - Diabolical and Pure Holocaust.
-Darkthrone - UAFM and A Blaze.
-Marduk - Opus Nocturne and Those of the Unlight.
-Mayhem - Dmds and Deathcrush.
-Graveland - In the Glare and Thousand Swords.
-Burzum - Det Som and Hvis.
-Dark Funeral - The Secrets and Diabolis.
-Satyricon - Shadowthrone and Nemesis Divina.
-Tartaros - Psychotic Castle and Red Jewel.
-Bathory - Blood Fire Death, Under the Sign, Hammerheart.
-Covenant - In Times Before the Light.
-Keep of Kalessin - Through Times of War.
-Gehenna - First Spell and Second Spell.
-Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns and Lunar Poetry.
-Summoning - Minas Morgul and Dol Guldur.
-Abigor - Nachthymnen and Opus 4.
-Bal Sagoth - Starfire and Battle Magic.
-Carpathian Forest - Black Shining and Caves and Titan Woods.
-Crimson Moon - To Embrace the Vampyric Blood.

...mostly norway and not all essential but I discovered black metal with those, they probably don't have the same impact these days but stills remains classic in my heart.