Black Metal.

and by the looks of it, Nachtmystium.
Nachtmystium just released a statement talking about their next album called "Assassins". I am excited but also apprehensive. I love this band and their last album was superb. I just hope they don't go too far and become a Pink Floyd tribute band or lose all their extremity.

I also listened to I Shalt Become - Wanderings on the way home from visiting Zephyrus at his house in Maine. I thought it was very, very good and seemingly very influential on bands like Xasthur and Nachtmystium. If you like the USBM scene like me, you should get this.
HEY guys so I always considered that thing blackmetal bands do where they have two guitars playing a droning riff in harmony and the drummer plays in shifting cadence (usually drops to half time for a bit then speeds back up again) to be a Burzum invention, as it seems do most other people given in reviews of other bands that do the same thing (Drudkh, Hate Forest, Forest etc.) people always mention Burzum but I'm listening to Vikingligr Veldi for the first time in FOREVER and it turns out Enslaved were doing it around the same time! So wtf! Who originated this technique because it's pretty much the best thing in blackmetal!
HEY guys so I always considered that thing blackmetal bands do where they have two guitars playing a droning riff in harmony and the drummer plays in shifting cadence (usually drops to half time for a bit then speeds back up again) to be a Burzum invention, as it seems do most other people given in reviews of other bands that do the same thing (Drudkh, Hate Forest, Forest etc.) people always mention Burzum but I'm listening to Vikingligr Veldi for the first time in FOREVER and it turns out Enslaved were doing it around the same time! So wtf! Who originated this technique because it's pretty much the best thing in blackmetal!

Who the fuck cares who invented it? There's really no way to tell.
umm well maybe there was a band who did it before both of them in which case theyd be a pretty likely contedner....
I just come to the realization that the latest Hypothermia album is crap. I mean the first song is like 2, 3 riffs max and the songs is 35 fucking minutes long, what a joke.

The rest of the album is far from stellar as well which leads me to ask: why is it praised so much?
Who was the person around here raving about Hypothermia? I can't remember. I haven't listened to the album in a while, but I think it was decent...can't remember
God I remember listening to hypothermia's new album about a week ago, I swear it took a lot of effort to listen to that first song all the way through. I was expecting something to happen, something interesting or some sort of atmosphere to become apparent........ but all I got was the same crappy riffs repeated over and over again!!!!!!!

The other songs were also boring as shit :)
Haha it seems the band has gone from adored to abhorred in no less than five posts. Well done UM.

Edit: At Oblivion, yeah I agree that first song's length is obnoxiously long. No less than a chore to sit through its entirety.
Haha it seems the band has gone from adored to abhorred in no less than five posts. Well done UM.

Edit: At Oblivion, yeah I agree that first song's length is obnoxiously long. No less than a chore to sit through its entirety.

Hahaha yes we have in fact tarnished the name of hypothermia here on this forum!! :heh: