Black Metal.

People are constantly praising the current French scene, yet all I enjoy are Peste Noire (to a degree), ALcest, Amesoeurs, Celestia, Mortifera, and Belenos.

Please tell me some quality bands I'm missing. Notice I said quality, so DO NOT mention Blut Aus Nord or Deathsmell Omega.

Have you ever heard earlier Deathspell Omega? The material on the splits with Mutiilation, Clandestine Blaze and Moonblood is actually quite similar to Hirilorn's Depopulate (Prelude to the Apocalypse). Leagues ahead of their current stuff, and not nearly as 'Black 'n Roll' as their first two efforts.
I'm listening to Enslaved - Vikinglir Veldi for the first time (I know I know, I got into Black metal backwards) and it's great.

Excellent. Don't forget the Hordanes Land part of the package; it's just as good if not better.

Enslaved have been a backburner band for me. I've got those two, but haven't gotten any more. The reason most likely is that I see their albums in stores, but never the albums I'm looking for (Eld and Frost), and because I know that the local store carries their material, I feel less compelled to order their stuff online. Pretty soon I may go ahead and order Eld. A wise decision I take it?
Eld is quite excellent. And while I'm not a huge fan of "progressive" black metal in general, I must say Monumension, Ruun, and Mardraum are highly enjoyable.
How do they compare to Vikingligr Veldi. I know that Enslaved slowly progressed from Viking black metal toward progressive black metal, but to what degree at which points? I imagine that Eld and Frost are before the band took any major steps into the progressive frontiers.
Have you ever heard earlier Deathspell Omega? The material on the splits with Mutiilation, Clandestine Blaze and Moonblood is actually quite similar to Hirilorn's Depopulate (Prelude to the Apocalypse). Leagues ahead of their current stuff, and not nearly as 'Black 'n Roll' as their first two efforts.

Huge fan of Hirilorn. I may check out one of those splits then.
How do they compare to Vikingligr Veldi. I know that Enslaved slowly progressed from Viking black metal toward progressive black metal, but to what degree at which points? I imagine that Eld and Frost are before the band took any major steps into the progressive frontiers.

Frost is half pure black metal, half "viking metal" songs. It's pretty good, but not their best. Eld is more less Enslaved's take on Hammerheart.
Sounds good to me. I'm not much a fan of Viking metal but if its the shot of brandy in my black [metal] coffee, I'll surely drink it with pleasure.
I listened to Burzum's Filosofem all the way through for the first time, and I must say, I was not all that impressed. "Dunkelheit" was the highlight of the album, obviously, but all the rest of the songs seemed to suffer from overt repetition and uninspired songwriting, not to mention that some of them sounded like they were ripped directly from other bands. I also didn't like the vocals all that much; it probably would've all sounded better with his trademark shrieks.
I listened to Burzum's Filosofem all the way through for the first time, and I must say, I was not all that impressed. "Dunkelheit" was the highlight of the album, obviously, but all the rest of the songs seemed to suffer from overt repetition and uninspired songwriting, not to mention that some of them sounded like they were ripped directly from other bands. I also didn't like the vocals all that much; it probably would've all sounded better with his trademark shrieks.

Sucks to be you then.
I think Filosofem is quite a bit away from the greatness of the first releases.
Still it is a very good album. I somehow like that different atmosphere and sound too.
The riffs are all 'old' Burzm riffs or riffs that were written in older times by Varg. I can't find any similiarity to other band's riffs from which they could be ripped off..