Black Metal.

Maybe some bands and/or labels don't have the desire or money to invest in a larger print run, or do it themselves and don't want to have a huge production. Not everybody is about being "kvlt."

Edit: ^ jerkoff ninja posting
No it wasn't, it was for Odinist, when it had the other cover art. I remember it quite well. Other things that make me doubt this new one include a press release from Candlelight:

""This opus is considered by the band as a return to the feeling of their first creations. More epic, melodic and powerful!"
- Candlelight Records"

there isn't anything "folk" about Odinist, the previous myspace song isn't on the new album.
What the fuck are you talking about? I know it's not on Odinist (if that is really what I listened to earlier and not just Vindsval being a prick; he has done it before and I doubt he'd stop now...keep that in mind). That was my point; he is fucking with us. On Myspace, songs you play come with some art and a title/label displayed in the player. The artwork was the original/pre-your avatar art for the album, the title was quite clearly Odinist, and the label was Candlelight. He is fucking with us, and either the label is playing along with his fun and games, or there is other trickery afoot.
While I do agree mostly with people's aversion to limited releases, there's also another side to this. With the growing impact of digital music the amount of sold releases is surely declining. Therefore, especially within a limited market as black metal, pressing large quantities may not be the best thing to do. A band or label could very well be stuck with hundreds of copies that will never sell. So, I don't think all of the bands release them purely for their kvlt status.

Yeah this is what I've been thinking. It's ironic, because for all the kvlt, anti-commercial posturing in BM, operating this way can actually be more profitable than printing too many and not selling them. There's a guaranteed return on your investment. Besides, in reality other types of music do pretty much operate on that principle; it's just not necessarily flaunted as a badge of honor.
Did anyone else have a lot of trouble getting into Thousand Swords at first? For the longest time, I didn't like it, even after repeated listens. It might've been the really thin guitar sound that bothered me the most. I fucking love it now but damn that was definitely a grower.
Did anyone else have a lot of trouble getting into Thousand Swords at first? For the longest time, I didn't like it, even after repeated listens. It might've been the really thin guitar sound that bothered me the most. I fucking love it now but damn that was definitely a grower.

Now that's an album I haven't listened to in a long time (a few years ago, so I don't remember). The first Graveland album I got into was The Celtic Winter.
Did anyone else have a lot of trouble getting into Thousand Swords at first? For the longest time, I didn't like it, even after repeated listens. It might've been the really thin guitar sound that bothered me the most. I fucking love it now but damn that was definitely a grower.
Not really. I was expecting it to be more difficult than it was for me. I only recently bought the album though. I could see how someone who hasn't been into black metal long would have a harder time with it.
What the fuck are you talking about? I know it's not on Odinist (if that is really what I listened to earlier and not just Vindsval being a prick; he has done it before and I doubt he'd stop now...keep that in mind). That was my point; he is fucking with us. On Myspace, songs you play come with some art and a title/label displayed in the player. The artwork was the original/pre-your avatar art for the album, the title was quite clearly Odinist, and the label was Candlelight. He is fucking with us, and either the label is playing along with his fun and games, or there is other trickery afoot.

Did that album come out yet. I have not had the internet for about a week.
Something is very wrong with the new BAN...I know they have a history of fucking with people, so I'm calling bullshit on this new album for now. Throwback to old albums my ass...not even close. They had an earlier sample up that was VERY much like the old works, and this new stuff is not even close. I smell bullshit!

It's better than MoRT regardless.

MoRT was rather boring.

Any word on when a new Amesoeurs release will be out?
I listened to Blut Aus Nord's Odinist album a couple days ago, and overall I thought it was alright. I'll have to give it another listen before I can come up with a proper opinion.
well let me put it this way. I have never gotten into black metal and im looking for some cds to get into it. what should i get?
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Burzum - Burzum/Aske
Burzum - Det Some Engang Var
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Burzum - Filosofem
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
Satyricon - The Shadowthrone
Bathory - Bathory
Bathory - The Return
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Gorgoroth - Pentagram
Gorgoroth - Antichrist
Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon

That should give you a decent start. Buy the highlighted ones ASAP.