Black Metal.

well let me put it this way. I have never gotten into black metal and im looking for some cds to get into it. what should i get?

Mayhem-De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Satyricon-Nemesis Divina (or Dark Medieval Times)
Emperor-Into The Nightside Eclipse

Might want to check out Bathory-Blood Fire Death too, considered Viking Metal but still Black IMO.
thanx guys.

i ordered in the nighside eclipse today and im getting the mayhem album as well ^^.
currently listening to Xasthur - Defective Epitaph promo (real version).... I hope the final version is different because this album so far is the worse Scott has made imo.

the production is also terrible...... I even ask myself if this is a FAKE or something, the only good song is Oration Of Ruin.
currently listening to Xasthur - Defective Epitaph promo (real version).... I hope the final version is different because this album so far is the worse Scott has made imo.

the production is also terrible...... I even ask myself if this is a FAKE or something, the only good song is Oration Of Ruin.

I checked it out briefly earlier today...I've never really cared for Xasthur though so my interest isn't likely to grow.
Mathiäs;6506669 said:
Substitute Nemesis Divana for that.
I'm not so sure about that, I think I may prefer Dark Medieval Times overall to Nemesis, though Nemesis has the best song of the 2 in Mother North.
^Yes, and I'm very curious to hear what The Shadowthrone is like, all I know is the song Vikingland is great and the material seems hard to digest like Dark Medieval Times, and also the vocals are more upfront than on Dark Medieval Times.
well let me put it this way. I have never gotten into black metal and im looking for some cds to get into it. what should i get?

Since no one mentioned Dimmu Borgir, I'd like to throw that one in. They're symphonic black metal, and easily one of the most accessible black metal bands. They're what got me into the genre.

Good albums of theirs to start with:

Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
ITNE is imo the best gateway album for black metal.

Also, why do people still care about Xasthur?