Black Metal.

I only really liked "On The Mountain Of Goats" from Likferd. That's all the Windir I've heard.
When the goat stops symbolizing individual in opposition to the symbolism of the sheep as the follower?
No, because bands don't have to sing about goats. There are hundreds of Black Metal bands that don't sing about goats I'm sure. That does not mean that it's not a significant symbol which relates directly to the traditional Black Metal ideology.
No, because bands don't have to sing about goats. There are hundreds of Black Metal bands that don't sing about goats I'm sure. That does not mean that it's not a significant symbol which relates directly to the traditional Black Metal ideology.

Yea, you are right. In fact I am going to use this moment to ask for some really "out there" black metal bands that sing bout different things.
anyone heard the new Svartsyn? I heard it's pretty good and far from the usual swedish sound wich include non stop blast beats.

must try to find it...
New Dodsferd album leaked recently...just as good as Fucking Your Creation (two times as long though!)...I'll be buying this when it drops!

Songs titles like...

I Was Challenged to Enter the Gates of Blasphemy

You Called It Resurrection, I Call It A Fairytale For Human Parasites, Your Kind!

Hypocritic Shitfuckers Still Breathing

seem to take them selfs to serious and end up being pathetic. I think I will pass on this project.
I've got it but I haven't given it a proper listen. If I remember it's fairly mid-paced but the drums are rather constant, I think there's a bit of blasting though...but like I said, I don't quite remember.
is there any good black metal that is similiar to dimmu borgir? like that has good recording quality and cleaner vocals then say....mayhem or emperor. nothing against them they both great lol.
is there any good black metal that is similiar to dimmu borgir? like that has good recording quality and cleaner vocals then say....mayhem or emperor. nothing against them they both great lol.

Yes, of course. But in similar to Dimmu Borgir, do you mean in terms of style, or just by cleaner production? Either way, there's bands of both variety out there.
is there any good black metal that is similiar to dimmu borgir? like that has good recording quality and cleaner vocals then say....mayhem or emperor. nothing against them they both great lol.

Nope, not any good ones. Check out Black Funeral,S.M.R.C-era Deathspell Omega or Hills of Sefiroth. They are good bands that post-dimmu fans could enjoy has a entrance into the Black Metal underground.
Yes, of course. But in similar to Dimmu Borgir, do you mean in terms of style, or just by cleaner production? Either way, there's bands of both variety out there.

I meant just in cleaner production =].

could you give me a list of some? =] ty.

Tho I also like dimmu's style, but its not nescessary.
is there any good black metal that is similiar to dimmu borgir? like that has good recording quality and cleaner vocals then say....mayhem or emperor. nothing against them they both great lol.

Dimmu worship with good production, eh? SETHERY is the band you want.
I meant just in cleaner production =].

could you give me a list of some? =] ty.

Well, you could always check out recent albums by Deathspell Omega, Shining, Keep of Kalessin, Lunar Aurora, 1349, Secrets if the Moon, Control Human Delete, Enslaved, Thorns...just naming some of the top of my head that have had cleaner production values.

The most recent Bishop of Hexen album is fantastic and a band that has cleaner production, and is theatrical/symphonic black metal if you wanted something along a similar line, and also Riul Doamnei sounds a lot like Dimmu especially vocally.