Black Metal.

Just picked up Borknagar S/T and Master's Hammer - Ritual, havn't listened to the Borknagar yet but Master's Hammer is pretty good.
Is that the first or the second album? I remember quite liking one and only merely enjoying the other, though I haven't really played either extensively. In fact I've probably only listened to both one time each.
Not yet, but I'm planning on picking up the second album soon. Yeah, I think the first album was the one I liked more. I should pull that one out.
News finally on Blood Of Kingu? So it's going to be released this year? That's fantastic news.
it's announced for December... so it's quite soon.

but supernal always delay their releases for 2 months or more.:erk:


Fucking brilliant semi-raw and subtly atmospheric English Black Metal.

EP of the year, fucking hands down. Fans of Negura Bunget and Agalloch will take to this band quickly.
listening to Jesu - Lifeline right now.... pretty good but damn this band released 5 albums this year.... it's too much I think.
Fucking brilliant semi-raw and subtly atmospheric English Black Metal.

EP of the year, fucking hands down. Fans of Negura Bunget and Agalloch will take to this band quickly.

definitely agree. I found them a few months ago on myspace and asked for a cd to review...they said they're workin on something that should be out by the end of the year
Haven't heard the new one yet, but you guys know how much Helrunar's album Frostnacht rules, right? Highly competent traditional black metal with great production, cold atmosphere, and some acoustic passages.