Black Metal.

So I listened to Deathspell Omega's SMRC last night. In darkness with no distractions, so I could hear the complexity of this album that everyone here raves about. After listening I'll say that I have mixed feelings, but overall I liked it.

Melodic/Lead Guitar - I thought the melodies and leads were very well done, intricate and engaging. Very enjoyable to listen to.

Songwriting - Complex and original, the song writing kept things interesting throughout the long album

Drums - Very well played and produced. I was impressed.

Vocals - Totally without feeling or rythm. It sounded like he was just reading the lyrics most of the time. They really took away from the music imo. I think my favorite song was the instrumental towards the end (Jubilate Deo I think) and this was part of the reason.

The aggressive riffs - Maybe I'm spoiled on brutal death. but when most BM bands try to be aggressive, it just doesn't work for me. This was especially concerning for me when compared to how good the other riffs were.

The Prayers - Just me, but I didn't care for them.

So as I said, overall I enjoyed it a lot, but I felt there were some pretty big flaws.

That sounds like a fair and honest assessment. I'm pleased that you gave the album the proper attention it deserves in order to truly gain any appreciation for it, which to some degree you did.
black metal & death metal ...
I can't find differents with them,
maybe I prefer death metal,who can introduce BLACK MAETAL?the concrete the better~
(P.S:about "~" and "...",this just my hobs,most Chinese have the same hobs....~~hehe~)
Black Metal has higher pitched vocals, more screams, rasps, shrieks, rarely lower pitched grolwing death metal has, and here's some ands for you to check out in black metal.
Dimmu Borgir
Dark Funeral
Noktural Mortum
They are similar subgenres, I really don't see how someone can like death metal and not black metal an vice versa.
I love how Peste Noire uses the same chords has a Interpol song. Almost in the same order.

On a more important note. I am digging Folkfuck Folie much more and even with that I am not enjoying it all that much.
Black Metal has higher pitched vocals, more screams, rasps, shrieks, rarely lower pitched grolwing death metal has, and here's some ands for you to check out in black metal.
Dimmu Borgir
Dark Funeral
Noktural Mortum
They are similar subgenres, I really don't see how someone can like death metal and not black metal an vice versa.

Musically, aside from their tendency to vie for the "most extreme" they're not all that similar.
Musically, aside from their tendency to vie for the "most extreme" they're not all that similar.
Eh, when listening to Black Metal Radio I get fooled once in a while when they slip in death metal tracks. If the drumming is not too busy, the vocals not extremely gutteral, and there aren't solos I could see how someone couldn't immediately tell the difference. Just the other day, something from Human Waste from Suffocation was on, and I accepted it as BM for about a minute until I looked to see what band it actually was.