Black Metal.

I really don't see how you can call the vocals brilliant. They weren't unique in anyway and there was no passion behind them. Even if you liked the sound, he wasn't doing much with them.

None of the other guys were wanking off their instruments either, they did what was required for the best possible sound and so did the vocalist. Regardless, there's plenty of passion in those vocals, or at least they absolutely accentuate the passion of the music. I find it difficult to distinguish between the two. I also find his voice very distinctive and could recognise a new DSO song within seconds based on the vocals alone.
I imagine Mikko Aspa singing like an evil priest in a church whenever I listen to SMRC.
If you can't differentiate between Venom and their peers or Mercyful Fate and their peers and see how they differ, then you're not listening very closely.

Frankly, it really doesn't matter if you think Venom is Black Metal or not, because they are Black Metal regardless of whether or not you think that they are. I'm saying this as a historical matter of fact. Venom is Black Metal. There is no other alternative.

Ok, tell me this, do Venom and, let's say Mayhem, play the same type of music?
hehe, saw this on another forum:
Originally posted by mailweaver

Pre-orders will now be accepted for the following releases:
KLP 007: Ved Buens Ende… “Those who caress the pale” LP
KLP/CD 006: Strid “s/t” LP/CD
KLP/CD 005: Thorns “Stigma Diabolicum” LP/CD

KLP 007: VED BUENS ENDE… “Those who caress the pale” LP features the 1994 demo plus 2 bonus trax from the ’94 rehearsal and ’95 line in UK. Vinyl edition comes in 2 versions, Black version with carved black foil cover and black LP at 250 copies, White version with carved black foil cover and white/red haze colour LP at 250 numbered copies with poster. Price 16 euros
KLP 006: STRID “s/t” LP features the 1994 ep , the 1993 demo and the 1992 second Malfeitor demo (pre-Strid). Comes with poster and rare photos in 250 copies black lp, 250 copies grey/black haze colour. Price 16 euros
KLP 005: THORNS “Stigma Diabolicum” LP features Trondertun tape, Grymyrk Demo, Stigma Diabolicum “ Lacus De Luna: rehearsal. Comes with poster in 250 copies black lp. 250 copies white/ black haze colour. Price 16 euros
KCD 006: STRID “s/t” CD features additional from the LP material the 1st Malfeitor demo from 1991, all orders from us come with extra poster. 1000 copies print.
Price 14 euros
KCD 005: THORNS “Stigma Diabolicum “ CD features additional from the LP material Thorns and Stigma Diabolicum rehearsal trax, all order from us come with additional poster.1000 copies print.
Price 14 euros

LPs Die hard edition: comes with different black cover with silverprint and clear/transparent vinyl inside in 50 numbered copies. Price 30 ( very few left , first come first served).

NOTE: all titles are in print now and are estimated to be here by end of October/ early November the latest. Pre-orders are for individual sales only , labels DO NOT contact for wholesale rates yet. All emails/enquiries will be answered after Saturday the 13th October when we return. Payment Paypal or well hidden cash, prices don’t include postage.
Spread the news!

Contact : – - no PMs
Ok, tell me this, do Venom and, let's say Mayhem, play the same type of music?

I believe he is just trying to put forth the "proto-black metal" argument, which is usually justified by claiming that the various bands are ideologically similar (which itself rests on the foundation that black metal is in-and-of itself an ideology (as compared to style (ex: fast trilling or shitty production).

Another justification is that the 1st wave black metal bands, albeit not sounding very "black metal" as we may perceive today (2nd/3rd/4th etc wave), they are indeed so because they are the forefathers and originators of a style and technique that would later become/influence black metal at large.

Honestly, it's a stupid fucking argument.

And because I feel like I haven't pissed anyone off today: Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas sucks (and is one of Attila Csihar's worst vocal performances ever).
Ok, tell me this, do Venom and, let's say Mayhem, play the same type of music?

As far as Black Metal goes, yes. Do they have the same style? No.

I don't understand why you don't realize how stupid it is to say that Venom is not Black Metal because of what bands that came after them did. Black Metal existed in 1982. Mayhem didn't.

Honestly, it's a stupid fucking argument.

hehe, saw this on another forum:

This is amazing news, thanks for pointing it out.

To add a bit of my own, Agonia Records is about to (or already has) released a Mock CD including the split material and the EP material.
any fans of 'the ruins of beverast' here?

i picked it up today, and i enjoed it somewhat, i thought it could have been shorter, but still good. the guitar riffs lacked the audible factor, but i got over that.
Which album? I have Unlock the Shrine, and I get so frustrated with the album because I like the actual songs, but it gets bogged down with way, way too many ambient/interlude pieces. I definitely end up zoning out when there's like 10 minutes between the good riffs on the album. The atmosphere didn't really appeal to me.

If Rain Upon The Impure is different or executed better I will give it a chance, since I did like the other album to a degree. I just wish there were more actual songs.
Folks, I am desperately after Ved Buens Ende's "Written in Waters (demo) - 1995". This version of Written In Waters was released before the album actually was. Also their "...Coiled in Obscurity (Bootleg) - 2002" release. If someone has these can you PM me please?
As always The Ruins of Beverast are fucking excellent. Rain Upon the Impure is fucking excellent. Though I admit, to listen to the entire album I find it to be quite the journey - but well worth it.
Listening to Rain Upon The Impure all the way through is pretty much the only way to do it, in my opinion. It's a great album though!
As far as Black Metal goes, yes. Do they have the same style? No.

I don't understand why you don't realize how stupid it is to say that Venom is not Black Metal because of what bands that came after them did. Black Metal existed in 1982. Mayhem didn't.


Relax Nec.

Ok so, Venom is Black Metal.

Then what is Mayhem/Emperor/Darkthrone etc?

They don't play similar styles so Venom is the TRUE BM but Mayhem and the "2nd wave" must be somthing different right? I mean it's easy to tell the difference. They do have the same Satanic/Anti-Christian image/ideology but the music isn't the same. I'm not being a dick I'm just trying to figure this shit out. Musically Venom sounds more Thrash-y to me.