Black Metal.

two new songs have been posted from this promising new band, last years EP was pretty good, new stuff seems even better and more atmospheric... recommended for fans of Myrkr, Nastrond and old school swedish bm.
^ that does nothing for him really, a lot of M-A reviews are horrible since there's almost no quality control.

Lucifugum are decent, not great, but they are kinda fun to listen to. They're at least partially silly a lot of the time, so if you appreciate slightly retarded BM, you should like 'em.
Anyone care to explain black metal to me? As in, what makes a black metal band a good black metal band? What do you look for in their music? I keep trying to get into black metal but most of it bores me.

I listen to metal cause I love the way the heaviness of it barrages my ears and has a sound you don't really get in any other genre. Black Metal, has never really bothered me, it just seems to lack that impact that I find in other genres. So far the only black Metal album I like is Attera Totus Santcus by Dark Funeral, probably cause of the drums. Is there something I'm missing? Or are black metal and I just not meant for each other?
Anyone care to explain black metal to me? As in, what makes a black metal band a good black metal band? What do you look for in their music? I keep trying to get into black metal but most of it bores me.

I listen to metal cause I love the way the heaviness of it barrages my ears and has a sound you don't really get in any other genre. Black Metal, has never really bothered me, it just seems to lack that impact that I find in other genres. So far the only black Metal album I like is Attera Totus Santcus by Dark Funeral, probably cause of the drums. Is there something I'm missing? Or are black metal and I just not meant for each other?

The typical black metal aesthetic advocates a union of aggression and atmosphere. Some bands seem less agressive than others because the drums/guitars are underproduced in order to create an atmosphere.
They a local band there?
No they are from Saskatchewan. I have heard their name tossed about and they sound like a band I'd like, so I wanted to find out more about them.

M-A review are rather useless because people who have no business reviewing albums do so. For example look at the reviews of Wormed - Planesphaerium. Anyone who actually likes the style of music they play will love the album, but retards who don't like the style give it a bad score. It would be like me giving a really good power metal album a bad score because I don't like power metal.
Havn't been around for a while (not that anybody really knows me), but just dropping by to see where the Black Metal thread has gone.

Quick question for everyone, anyone know of any good ways to find new Canadian Black Metal (other then Metal Archives). I can never find any metal period for Canada on MySpace other then the massitudes of of alternative metal, pop metal, and metalcore that floods our mainstream.
No they are from Saskatchewan. I have heard their name tossed about and they sound like a band I'd like, so I wanted to find out more about them.

I've always imagined Canadian Black Metal (CBM?) to be a lot like USBM only with more folk influence. I'm probably way off the mark, here. Can anyone here describe the typical Canadian Black Metal sound?

two new songs have been posted from this promising new band, last years EP was pretty good, new stuff seems even better and more atmospheric... recommended for fans of Myrkr, Nastrond and old school swedish bm.

Yeah, I came across the band quite recently through that crust punk band that's in the friends list thingy. I hear a very heavy Funeral Mist influence to the songs on the page, and it's pretty good. I'll have to look into tracking down the 7".
I've always imagined Canadian Black Metal (CBM?) to be a lot like USBM only with more folk influence. I'm probably way off the mark, here. Can anyone here describe the typical Canadian Black Metal sound?

Folkier, more melody, and less suicidal. But to generalize would be stupid.
:headbang: This looks like my sort of thread

Black metal bands I like:
Dimmu Borgir
Wolves in the Throne Room
:headbang: This looks like my sort of thread

Black metal bands I like:
Dimmu Borgir
Wolves in the Throne Room

You've got the basics down quite well. Welcome!