Black Metal.

Actually underproduced is a bad thing, but the cohesion between the material and the production is what determines whether or not it's under or over produced. The early Ulver albums have nigh perfect production, in my opinion.
Actually underproduced is a bad thing, but the cohesion between the material and the production is what determines whether or not it's under or over produced. The early Ulver albums have nigh perfect production, in my opinion.

I was specifically referring to Nattens Madrigal, which was deliberately underproduced as a satirical gimmick.
I would say merely deliberately produced rather than underproduced, as that would imply that the production is lesser than it should be, which is not the case.
Which is why I think that using the terms in that fashion is useless. What is suitable for Black Metal is entirely at odds with what is suitable for Power Metal. What is well-produced is totally different, thus so is what is under and over produced, with respect to the different styles.
I can't see any reason why Ulver would do this other than because they need money. Is there any artistic merit to this at all? Maybe they plan on rewriting/remixing the songs to a high degree like the one Kveldssanger track they did in that way.
I can't see any reason why Ulver would do this other than because they need money. Is there any artistic merit to this at all? Maybe they plan on rewriting/remixing the songs to a high degree like the one Kveldssanger track they did in that way.

I can see that happening. Look what he and Arcturus did with Disguised Masters.
I can't see any reason why Ulver would do this other than because they need money. Is there any artistic merit to this at all? Maybe they plan on rewriting/remixing the songs to a high degree like the one Kveldssanger track they did in that way.

you obviously don't understand black metal....:Smug: