Black Metal.

I guess this could go here, MA puts theses guys as black/grindcore metal so, the new Anaal Nathrakh is out (leaked) and it fucking kills.
I guess this could go here, MA puts theses guys as black/grindcore metal so, the new Anaal Nathrakh is out (leaked) and it fucking kills.

hehe, I'm sure most of their fans didn't remember that this band started as a joke band.... but become so popular that they finally started to release more "serious?" music.

Another joke band from the same period was Impaled Northern Moon Forest.
I really don't think anything tops In the Nightside Eclipse. The key is having some good guitar riffs to go with the symphonic parts. Does any other synth BM album have riffs like I am the Black Wizards, or Inno a Satana? Not really. The guitars in ...and Oceans or Limbonic Art or Kataxu are completely forgettable.
I really don't think anything tops In the Nightside Eclipse. The key is having some good guitar riffs to go with the symphonic parts. Does any other synth BM album have riffs like I am the Black Wizards, or Inno a Satana? Not really. The guitars in ...and Oceans or Limbonic Art or Kataxu are completely forgettable.

Yeah, I agree. The only other symphonic BM albums I've heard that even come close are Witchcraft by Obtained Enslavement and Seen Through the Veils of Darkness by Gehenna.
Yeah, I agree. The only other symphonic BM albums I've heard that even come close are Witchcraft by Obtained Enslavement and Seen Through the Veils of Darkness by Gehenna.

Goat Horns!

There are actually tons of good albums that are at least borderline "symphonic", granted Nightside is one of the best.
Nokturnal Mortum has released so much good material, though, picking a favourite is bothersome at best. I'm leaving towards "To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire" these days, though.
I really don't think anything tops In the Nightside Eclipse. The key is having some good guitar riffs to go with the symphonic parts. Does any other synth BM album have riffs like I am the Black Wizards, or Inno a Satana? Not really. The guitars in ...and Oceans or Limbonic Art or Kataxu are completely forgettable.

...aO has some very memorable riffs, especially the opening riff to Baby Blue Doll.