Black Metal.

Zeph, NM has excellent, pristine production values; everything is quite's not quiet, dismal, or raw at all. Just very treble-based.
A good canadian black metal band that lives in my city is Akitsa, especially the album Sang Nordique... it's raw and epic at the same time... quite unique band I must say.
Anyone here heard Beyond the Ninth Wave?

If so what did you think of it?
There's a used copy that's been gathering dust for about six months at my local store, that's all I know. Suffering Jesus seems to be a good judge of quality though, going by Malveillance.

I've always imagined Canadian Black Metal (CBM?) to be a lot like USBM only with more folk influence. I'm probably way off the mark, here. Can anyone here describe the typical Canadian Black Metal sound?
There isn't one, only notable development in terms of innovation would be "war metal", s/a:

Axis Of Advance
Sacramentary Abolishment
associated bands already mentioned...
Ulver have been saying for a few years now that they're gonna go back and re-do Nattens Madrigal. this is nothing new

I wonder who would do vox. As far as I know, Garm hasn't growled since 1999 when he re-recorded "Du Nordavind" on Disguised Masters. How easy is it to revive a dormant growl such as his?
Blaspehmy... pretty much.

Worshipping the blackened moose at nightfall. Lets not forget about the grim frostbite.

I got a good chuckle out of this.

I really wish Canada had more of s scene. I'm in a few projects that are on the lay-low right now, and I would be intrested in doing some live shows. But there's no real demand (especialy in British Columbia, a province dominated by hip-hop and bullshit) and nobody to do a show with. Looks like I'll be having to keep my work solo and if I do live I'd have to do it elsewhere.
I got a good chuckle out of this.

I really wish Canada had more of s scene. I'm in a few projects that are on the lay-low right now, and I would be intrested in doing some live shows. But there's no real demand (especialy in British Columbia, a province dominated by hip-hop and bullshit) and nobody to do a show with. Looks like I'll be having to keep my work solo and if I do live I'd have to do it elsewhere.

Canadian hip-hop? :err:

sounds like a cultural oxymoron.