Black Metal.

I just gave Wanderings by I Shalt Become a listen; good Burzumesque stuff without being another Varg wannabe. Reminds me of Fullmoon too in a way.

Better than Burzum imo, but then again, I'm not the biggest Burzum fan. It's such a shame Holliman didn't record anything more than this full length and then a demo after the name change.
Nachtfalke ("As The Wolves Died" is awesome!)
Necros Christos (Their split with Goat Molestor "Black Mass Desecration/Ancient Barbaric Assualt" ... great br00tal stuff). Got this one from Decadent.. i'm surprised he didn't mention them.

I have only heard a little of Nachtfalke but I really like what I heard.
That's not entirely true either. Varg is very far from being a socialist. He used to call himself a national socialist or nazi, but later realized that was by no means the best term for his views (and it isn't). He is surely a nationalist and racialist (note: not racist), but without the socialist you can't really be a national socialist. If he made music that reflected his socio-political views directly it would be nationalist black metal, not NSBM.

It is a generalised statement I made, and that was deliberate, but I also at the same time don't pretend to be an expert on politics or philosophy (nor is this the thread for it anyway): there are a number of people in the thread who will come to their own realisations about Vikernes, and as your response and mine back to you here attests, Varg Vikernes is still a debated topic almost 13 years later and probably will be for a long time to come.

As far as racialism goes, I view it as an excuse to hide racism behind a pretence of trying to be more "politically correct". As far as I am concerned racialism is a paradox itself and thus void. I don't acknowledge it.

Finally, I have not labelled Burzum as National Socialist Black Metal, infact I despise anyone who labels it as such.

As a suggestion, I think it is a good idea to keep detailed politics and philosophy out of this discussion (there is a forum for it you know), especially considering that as a 16 year old kid, you cite Friedrich Nietzsche as your hero which I find highly questionable given the maturity of an adolescent.

No offence, but you're 6 years from when you were 10 years old: your attempts at mimmicking intelligence behind the curtain of affiliating yourself with ANUS, combined with proclaiming Friedrich Nietzsche as your major influence while you're still learning how to shave correctly is something I find full of mirth. I just can't take you seriously, it's too damn funny, nothing you have posted is your own actual opinion, you're too young to really have one yet (again, no offence intended).

*sigh* Anyway... this is the last I'll say on this subject, I won't be responding to any more comments on it. I left the Philosophy Forum styled discussions long ago, but I think you'll find yourself more at home there. Probably best you did so.
I try and try but I can never really get into Emperor. I don't dislike them, but at this point in time I do not really love them either. They are a good listen every once in a while, but far from my favorite. That being said, the "Emperor" ep/split is my favorite thing they have done atm.
Emperor is my favorite Bm band, that's odd, most people like Emperor who are into BM it seems.
I doubt that the EU will have better shipping rates to America, than something in America or Canada. Also the shipping time will be worse. I guess your used to that living on your island :p

Yeah pretty much. Shipping times in general from the EU are lightning fast and so cheap to AU. But from the US? OMG - expensive and fucking slow as.