Black Metal.

Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions currently is the CD I'm listening to most, out of any genre. Great CD. Minimalistic melodicism.
My favourite BM ever. Fuck naysayers and their cosmically insubstantial opinions.

Necros Christos (Their split with Goat Molestor "Black Mass Desecration/Ancient Barbaric Assualt" ... great br00tal stuff). Got this one from Decadent.. i'm surprised he didn't mention them.

I've still got the file uploaded, for curious parties. Basically, it'll crush your puny minds, mere mortals.
Décadent;5775300 said:
WTF, there's no Morrigan from Ireland.

Oops, you're right. I got the Irish band's name Cruachan confused with its latest album The Morrigan'sCall. I have heard of the German Morrigan.
Has anyone heard the new watain songs? Apparently the suck horribly and if this is true I'll be very mad. :mad:
Holy shit!

I just found this, the most recent photo of Vikernes there is. What a shocker!


You dont look right in a burzum shirt, btw. But it is still a pretty sick shirt.

I need to get a pic of me rockin' my burzum shirt up on here soon.
I've been listening to Behemoth demos, and I have to say they are far more enjoyable than their newer work. It's real shame they changed their sound.
All Hail the "Hubster" Through his review of "OM" by Negura Bunget,(very well written) I purchased OM and 'N Cruga. OM was my pick for album of 06. The focus of this thread seems to be about underground BM. Could anyone reccommend me a good starting point? Also, I've been listening to "Emissaries" by Melechesh for about a week, and must say I'm impressed. What do all of you think about Melechesh?
I have to admit, aside from Emperor, Kataxu and Borknagar (in places), neither am I. I find symphonic black metal tacky. The usage of keys should not be a primary characteristic, it should be extremely subtle.
Is Borknagar a black metal?..

Speaking of Melodic/Symphonic BM - man, I really love Wolven Ancestry lately. Seriously, I just can't get enough of their single album. Listen to that shit, it's so atmospheric, so emotive, so beautiful.