Black Metal.

I have to admit, aside from Emperor, Kataxu and Borknagar (in places), neither am I. I find symphonic black metal tacky. The usage of keys should not be a primary characteristic, it should be extremely subtle.
I checked out Summoning recently, but just didn't dig it... I found it stale.

Noturnal Mortum is cool though.

PS - I've mentioned it earlier but - I finally got my copy of Hekel's debut album, I will upload a song soon.

Any fan of Burzum, Weakling, Xasthur, and Drudkh will appreciate it. A very surprising, simple yet fantastic piece of work.
Someone tell me how a fucking shithouse band making tryhard Black Metal like Kampfar gets onto Wacken 2007's bill this year. Fucking atrocious.