Black Metal.

So here are my favourite bm bands (fav. genre so far but i'm afraid it will get dethroned by nwobhm/doom..). I'll also mention my favourite album by each band.
Graveland(Thousand Swords), Bathory(Under The Sign Of The Black Mark), Nokturnal Mortum(Lunar Poetry demo), Immortal(At The Heart Of Winter), Negura Bunget( 'n Crugu Bradului), old Samael(Blood Ritual), Ulver(Nattens Madrigal), Drudkh(Blood In Our Wells), Deathspell Omega(SMRC), Abigor(Supreme Immortal Art), Countess(Spawn of Steel), Helheim(Av Norr&#248;n &#198;tt), Destroyer 666(do they count? Unchain The Wolves), Windir(Arntor), Fleurety(Min Tid Skal Komme) <-- underrated!, Mayhem(DMDS), Burzum(Hvis Lyset Tar Oss).

can't get into Enslaved and DarkThrone :<
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Early Borknagar is good black metal, i like Arcturus about the same in their black metal phase compared to Borknagar but probably becausen they have the saqme singer(I could be wrong though).
what else are they? i mean, they're like a prog thingy now, but really they're mostly just not good anymore... which sucks cos they used to be my favorite metal bands...

but up til Vintersorg joined, and even on parts of Empiricism, they were pretty much BM, and the first couple albums were totally BM...

I'll make such judgements once they release a new album. Epic wasn't bad at all, but nowhere close to Quintessence and the ones before it. The acoustic album was stalling the process but I think Oystein and the gang are back at it with black metal.
^ Agreed. I don't find any single release they've done, including Epic or Origin, to be bad. As far as I'm concerned, the only major problem is Vintersorg's annoying use of falsetto in recent years, he didn't do it so much on his earlier recordings (and mind you, I'm a huge Vintersorg fan).

I love Borknagar, they're fucking brilliant and have a great high standard of music.
I prefer Arcturus' experimental albums. specifically La Masquerade Infernale and The Sham Mirrors-always loved them always will. Unfortunately Aspera Hiems Symfonia turned really mediocre after several listens; great musical ideas, poor implementation, imo. 2,perhaps 3 good songs at most
Is Borknagar a black metal?..

Speaking of Melodic/Symphonic BM - man, I really love Wolven Ancestry lately. Seriously, I just can't get enough of their single album. Listen to that shit, it's so atmospheric, so emotive, so beautiful.

Their first album certainly is.

Good album. \m/\m/
The fact that 'Mellom...' and the Mock material is fucking classic does, though. Then again you listen to emo like Xasthur and Leviathan that sounds like My Chemical Romance with a bit more distortion so we cannot take you seriously, can we, sport?

My listening habits are embarrassing? I wasn't aware that Bathory, Burzum, Drudkh, Kataxu, Graveland, Behexen, 1349, Deathspell Omega, MGLA, Darkestrah, Emperor, Gorgoroth, Immortal, Enslaved, Hekel, Lunar Aurora, Taake (and the list goes on) is "pop music with distortion".

Please, continue to enlighten me about how little my perception of Black Metal is. I implore you. I'm quaking in my fucking boots.