Black Metal.

It is a generalised statement I made, and that was deliberate, but I also at the same time don't pretend to be an expert on politics or philosophy (nor is this the thread for it anyway): there are a number of people in the thread who will come to their own realisations about Vikernes, and as your response and mine back to you here attests, Varg Vikernes is still a debated topic almost 13 years later and probably will be for a long time to come.

As far as racialism goes, I view it as an excuse to hide racism behind a pretence of trying to be more "politically correct". As far as I am concerned racialism is a paradox itself and thus void. I don't acknowledge it.

Finally, I have not labelled Burzum as National Socialist Black Metal, infact I despise anyone who labels it as such.

As a suggestion, I think it is a good idea to keep detailed politics and philosophy out of this discussion (there is a forum for it you know), especially considering that as a 16 year old kid, you cite Friedrich Nietzsche as your hero which I find highly questionable given the maturity of an adolescent.

No offence, but you're 6 years from when you were 10 years old: your attempts at mimmicking intelligence behind the curtain of affiliating yourself with ANUS, combined with proclaiming Friedrich Nietzsche as your major influence while you're still learning how to shave correctly is something I find full of mirth. I just can't take you seriously, it's too damn funny, nothing you have posted is your own actual opinion, you're too young to really have one yet (again, no offence intended).

*sigh* Anyway... this is the last I'll say on this subject, I won't be responding to any more comments on it. I left the Philosophy Forum styled discussions long ago, but I think you'll find yourself more at home there. Probably best you did so.

I have read many of a moogle's posts and I can tell that he does express his own opinions. Certainly most 16 year olds are not experienced enough in life to have an understanding of what Nietzsche is about, but there are rare exceptions.

I know that the subject of politics is best left for the philosophy forum, but I can't resist putting in a few words to explain socialism. Any joint venture is socialism. All it means is working together towards an aim, or just plain realising that other people matter and that you want to cooperate with them. What's the alternative? Yes I think i will start a thread about this in the philosophy forum if anyone wants to comment...
Anyone else here like Legion of Darkness (not Legion of Doom, though they are great, too)? Great melodic (not symphonic) black metal from Italy, featuring a former member of power metal band Thy Majestie.
Not a huge fan but I like some: Emperor, Mayhem, Immortal, Enslaved, Satyricon, Blut Aus Nord, Dimmu Borgir, Bathory, Behemoth, Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Thorns, Zyklon-B, and Clad In Darkness.
^ I will give him that and it is admirable for someone so young. Still, too young to have expanded out from his readings yet ... point being that he shouldn't be making points in objection as much as asking questions to expand and develop his opinion.

It is not to say that because of his age he should not express opinions, but more so that questioning to add further knowledge should be primary and objection secondary: add knowledge and then execute.

By the time he's 25, he will definitely have formed well developed and informed opinions for sure. As before moogle, no offence was meant. I hope what I'm trying to get across makes sense.