Black Metal.


Good post! It's good to see a new thoughtful person here. I agree with many of your points. I am a fan of USBM like Leviathan, Xashtur, and Nachtmystium. However I always frown when I see people saying that a genre needs a savior or something like that. In my eyes metal is going strong and there are always good new releases. Metal does not appear in need of saving to me.
a lot of people here are going to agree with you but personally while i can't deny there's been good releases it seems to me that most black metal fans are desperate to latch onto anything resembling a 'resurgence' in the genre, regardless of how favorably it compares to the classics of the 2nd wave (not that favorably imo)

I just can not find it in me to call albums like Pure Holocaust, Filosofem, Under A Funeral Moon, In The Nightside Eclipse, or Dark Medieval Times and ilk as anything close to being the "best" that BM has to offer. Sure all of those albums are good, mostly Filosofem and In The Nightside Eclipse but when compared to the more modern standouts such as Spirit The Earth Aflame, Spicilege, The Work Which Transforms God, Heilig Vuur, Romances, Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice, and Le Secret they are just not that impressive to me (baring Filsosfem and ITNE, which are fantastic compared to any "era")
Personally, I feel the second wave ended prematurely in a way. The arsons and murders disrupted everything in Black Metal: what could have happened had those events not occurred?

if it weren't for the backstory of the 2nd wave, the music honestly wouldn't be as important. but it happened, so it is. take that for what it's worth.

in a way, the real life actions of those making the music sort of gave a supernatural aura to their output... all great art requires context.
I don't see how little teenagers immaturely burning down churches and killing people adds a sense of mysticism to the music.
Yes, but immaturity and immature actions don't add much to the music in all honesty. I judge music AS music, not by anything that happens to be surrounding it.
the "aura" of any piece of art is based on the audience believing that it was made under extreme circumstances by exceptional individuals as opposed to made in a bedroom by teenagers. this "aura" adds to the experience. without it, there is no "greatness", because "greatness" is an illusion, and ultimately we're all just lumps of flesh playing with wires and wood.
nothing is "subjective". there's no such thing as "taste" or "preference", there are just different states of ignorance. all things have inherent qualities, and one's perception is based in one's capability of interpreting these qualities.


I still stand by Primordial, Belenos, Blut Aus Nord (TWWTG especially), Mystic Forest, Deathspell Omega, and Alcest being better than most of the "classic" bands. :D
I just can not find it in me to call albums like Pure Holocaust, Filosofem, Under A Funeral Moon, In The Nightside Eclipse, or Dark Medieval Times and ilk as anything close to being the "best" that BM has to offer. Sure all of those albums are good, mostly Filosofem and In The Nightside Eclipse but when compared to the more modern standouts such as Spirit The Earth Aflame, Spicilege, The Work Which Transforms God, Heilig Vuur, Romances, Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice, and Le Secret they are just not that impressive to me (baring Filsosfem and ITNE, which are fantastic compared to any "era")

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (why Filosofem?), Pure Holocaust, In the Nightside Eclipse, Transylvanian Hunger, The Celtic Winter, Blood Fire Death, Blood on Ice, etc. [imo] are peerless. Modern black metal doesn't come close, with the exception of some hybrid bands like Falkenbach, Agalloch, Woods of Ypres, etc.. The black metal genre is just about dead in terms of anything new, besides of course hybrids (mainly folk/doom/black). The only truly great black metal release I've seen recently is Wolves in the Throne Room's album.
Yes, but immaturity and immature actions don't add much to the music in all honesty. I judge music AS music, not by anything that happens to be surrounding it.

well it has something to do with why music sounds a certain way. If varg brought roses to church to give to christian ladies than his music would sound different.