Black Metal.

That song is really awesome, some creepy melancholic yet melodic doomy ambient industrial goodness. Fuck that was a bunch of adjectives.

Dodsferd is excellent shit. He's done two albums this year so far (not counting a split with USBM act Ganzmord, who is decent in his own right, at least on Monolithic In Darkness which is all I have heard), each with a very distinct style. Fucking Your Creation is a rollicking black and roll disc with excellent pacing and good grooves, along with a couple epic length songs which make up the whole disc for the most part. The newest one Cursing Your Will To Live is a standard BM affair, with great strong production and vocals, and more of a storyline/concept based exploration of the style. Very great stuff!
Been listening to Vlad Tepes a lot lately. They have a huge rock n' roll influence in their sound that most black metal bands don't have, which I really dig.
I hear it's their worst, and it's nothing compared to their early/mid era material. Get Blood Ritual instead, or Passage if you're daring to explore their progression into industrial black metal.

It got rave reviews at M-A... They're kinda like a good representation of the common metal head as anyone can write reviews over there. I think it got like 4-5 %100's & one %20.
Yeah, don't. They have fucking retarded standards as to what gets accepted for reviews. If I ran a site with reviews by users accepted, I would not accept anything which contained this sentence:

It's good but that's the point: being just good isn't good enough to make a band...good.

Fucking retarded. How the hell do you rationalize negating an axiom like that?!
And way too often there are reviewers who in their reviews point out flaws and make criticisms, then just cast all these aside and rate the album 100%.
And way too often there are reviewers who in their reviews point out flaws and make criticisms, then just cast all these aside and rate the album 100%.

Oh no, I fucking agree with you guys. I'm not saying it's the standard, just a fair place to look... Well... Maybe not. I have read a lot of BS over there. Like I've seen reviews where someone rated something 100% then just went on to talk about nothing but problems with that album & at the end of the review they say that the good points more than make up for it :ill: :puke: If an album is 100% it has no flaws & leaves nothing to be desired.

Yeh, I agree with you guys, but you have to admit that 5/6 100%'s is very impressive.
Uh, yeah, that's why you look for the reviewers that aren't fucking retarded, like Gutterscream or peterott.