Black Metal.

The Metal-Observer has a suite of dependable reviewers, but lately they have gotten a lot of shit reviews from noob/guest reviewers who come off more as fanboys than those who strive for any shred of objectivity.
I need to get some more Zemial, I only own Sleeping Under Tartarus. The earlier stuff is really hard to track down. I need to get some Agatus and some more Kawir as well.
UltraBoris is the most lol reviewer. I love how he gave Master of Puppets 0% and With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness like 30% less then Slaughter of the Soul.
He totally hates Opeth over everything else though, that is fun. :p
UltraBoris is the most lol reviewer. I love how he gave Master of Puppets 0% and With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness like 30% less then Slaughter of the Soul.
He totally hates Opeth over everything else though, that is fun. :p

How could anyone give MoP a 0%? I don't give a fuck how kvlt you are, that's just stupid. 0% is reserved for the most piece of shit albums on the planet.
How could anyone give MoP a 0%? I don't give a fuck how kvlt you are, that's just stupid. 0% is reserved for the most piece of shit albums on the planet.
Don't ask me. Apparently it is because it supposedly killed the metal scene (which it didn't) not because the music deserves that rating. So I guess it has mostly to do with what MalignParadigm said. :p
Ultraboris writes some of the dumbest reviews I've ever read. His shit is just painful for me to read.
He is probably the best example of someone who gets one genre, but completely misses the point on all others, as is evident from the Opeth reviews. Basically, albums without thrash riffs = shit.

Yea, that's so true. He does focus only on riffs in his reviews. Oh, no like, there are no riffs for me to headbang to-- shit.:p
Man I took that recommendation from MalignParadigm about Nox Intempesta and downloaded Damnanus Dominum to check them out. This is some ace shit.
Don't ask me. Apparently it is because it supposedly killed the metal scene (which it didn't) not because the music deserves that rating. So I guess it has mostly to do with what MalignParadigm said. :p

That's fucking stupid. MoP really didn't too much for the scene as far as I know. If anything it gave it a widdel little bit of popularity I could imagine.

Him rating everything off Thrash riffs or lack-there-of would be the same as me giving any album I hear a 0% if it didn't have any Yngwie Malmsteen style fast scale runnung & sweeping :rolleyes: