Black Metal.

If people only reviewed albums they liked, then every review on the site would be 90-100%, which would be completely pointless. Anyway, I quite like his reviews, maybe because I have pretty similar taste in metal. I especially like the title of his No More Color review, "MY VAGINA IS OVERRUN BY MONKEYS!!"
Rumpole, of course it's good to take the time to post negative reviews, but I just think you kind of have to draw that invisible line somewhere. He also seemed to have an elitist penchant for bashing otherwise good albums. Other than that, his taste definitely wasn't the worst I've ever seen. His execution was very chilish & attention whoring though ;)
Dark forest is alright. What do you think about Kvist?

The Kvist album is pretty great.

Kvist was great, then after they've changed their name to Urgehal, a crappy & uninspired darkthrone clone.... wow talk about ruining a band.

As far as I know there is only one person ever involved with Kvist in Urgehal. Kvist wasn't a one person project, so it doesn't really seem like Kvist changed their name. It seems more like one guy started playing with a different band.

Whatever the case may be, this guy is still hilarious either way.


I need to find some more interesting black metal akin to Kenose-era Deathspell Omega, TTWTG-era Blut Aus Nord and Two Hunters-era Wolves In The Throne Room.

Ummm. I dont know. But just for the heck of it, try Weakling. They may not be what you are looking for, but they are essential.
I'd like to find more black metal similar to Satyricon, Cradle of Filth Dimmu Borgir, Dark Funeral, and Emperor, but it doesnt seem that easy finding clones of those bands. Obtained Enslavement is a good band though, I'm definitely getting Witchcraft sometime.

if you want a Cof clone.... check Graveworm.
I just went in a read a handfull of his
reviews :Spin: :loco: :puke: He's fucking annoying & a shame for Metal Heads. 12 year old negative mentalities piss me off. That much negativity is not waranted. He literally has a shitload of reviews & I would say 65% of them are rated under 50% with way too many 0-10%'s... He listens to way too much music that he hates. With me if I hear a bad album or two from a band I usually won't go back to them. He reviews band's whole discographies that he hates. Talk about a biased reviewer. I don't really get this tool. I was really surprised to see that he seems to kind of like Yngiwe though...
Not to mention that he is partial to thrash, power, and trad, and generally dislikes death metal and black metal (he even said so himself). People don't need to only review bands they like, but it would make sense for people to stick to reviewing bands from genres that they don't generally dislike.
Crimson Moon gave me a laugh or two. Honestly, they sound terrible and the lyrics are uncreative. USBM fails once again for me.

Black Funeral still is fucking great.

Also Glorior Belli is pretty good though they do not top the other French BM greats.
I listened to Emperor's "IX Equilibrium" for the first time last night :) I think it's an extremely underrated & underappreciated album, at least by the first impression it made on my ears. It made a damn fine first impression. It seemed to actually have some good well placed riffs in the mix & some cool lead playing. I find the album to be unique in a good way. We'll see if I grow to dislike the album in time, but I was actually sober when I listened to it, so I don't see myself ever hating it.

Does anyone here have anything bad to say about Darkspace??? I've been wanting to check them out. People can praise a band to hell & back & that doesn't mean I'm going to like them, but if no one has anything necessarily bad to say about them I think I'm on a better track.
I listened to Emperor's "IX Equilibrium" for the first time last night :) I think it's an extremely underrated & underappreciated album, at least by the first impression it made on my ears. It made a damn fine first impression. It seemed to actually have some good well placed riffs in the mix & some cool lead playing. I find the album to be unique in a good way. We'll see if I grow to dislike the album in time, but I was actually sober when I listened to it, so I don't see myself ever hating it.

It's a great album, but its accessibility will turn out to be a weakness rather than a strength, when compared to their other albums.

Does anyone here have anything bad to say about Darkspace??? I've been wanting to check them out. People can praise a band to hell & back & that doesn't mean I'm going to like them, but if no one has anything necessarily bad to say about them I think I'm on a better track.

Just listen to their myspace and make your own judgments.
I'm listening to the Darkspace stuff now. A lot of times I can't listen to or go to fancy web pages at work. My computer there has no speakers & 64mb of ram doesn't help either.

I liked IX Equilibrium. Accessibility is not something I think any album should be judged too strongly on. If an album is bad it's just fucking bad no matter how accessible it is. Same goes for if it's good. I think certain "nihilists" are just embarrassed to say they like certain albums.
Does anyone here have anything bad to say about Darkspace??? I've been wanting to check them out. People can praise a band to hell & back & that doesn't mean I'm going to like them, but if no one has anything necessarily bad to say about them I think I'm on a better track.
They are good, but you only need the second album. IMO it is better and especially shorter. Atleast I think the first one is way too long (70+min). You get bored and want to listen to something else around half way. :)