Black Metal.

I own most of their albums. I got all of them on Ebay though.

edit: Det Frysende Nordariket is the one you should start with.
Is anyone else here familiar with Abyssmal Nocturne? I've given their full-length From the Astral Abyss a few listens and I'm quite impressed. Nothing groundbreaking, but it hearkens to the days of Emperor's ITNE, to give an idea of what I thought. I enjoyed the prominent yet noninvasive use of keyboards and the variety of the drumming, as well as the force of the vocals. The guitars are actually pushed pretty far back in the mix and rarely stand out amongst the cacophony.
So terrorist-slanted/"anti-human" pandering is conceptually interesting now?

It's musically crap, too.

Black metal that explicitly acknowledges modern events is uncommon enough; this one also takes an appropriately militant and modern musical approach to address these events. And whether they are a) violating a taboo for the hell of it, b) using a purely attention-grabbing gimmick (which would be so deliciously ironic as to warrant attention in and of itself) or c) they simply use the common black metal tactic of theatrics and metaphors to narrow their audience and enhance their message, they *are* fulfilling that all-important taboo destroying role in a fairly new way. Essentially, it's a great gimmick even if it is just a gimmick, and I think it's too early to tell (are there interviews to be found yet?). "Terrorist-slanted" is a strange way of characterizing them, though I've only experienced the s/t.
The members are in more obscure/secretive bands, which I think sort of ruins it for me. That combined with their less-than-serious stagenames (TotalScorn...gimme a fucking break) and rather played-out musical style (for the record, it's "black and roll" and, while I suppose it could be seen as "militant and modern," that isn't really helping my appreciation of their lackluster and silly debut).
The members are in more obscure/secretive bands, which I think sort of ruins it for me.

That combined with their less-than-serious stagenames (TotalScorn...gimme a fucking break)
Fits well enough with the theatrical nature of the presentation and almost playful delivery of rhymed passages (i.e. the sermon-like Tyrants and demons, sinners and saints / Conquests and radiance without Christian taint, "Devil's Mass-Control"). I get a similar fun-with-a-purpose vibe with this band as I do with Meads Of Asphodel, which is probably part of the appeal.

Also "Acerbus" seems a bit more clever.

and rather played-out musical style (for the record, it's "black and roll" and, while I suppose it could be seen as "militant and modern," that isn't really helping my appreciation of their lackluster and silly debut).
I see it as a bit more on the industrial rock side, but overall I don't see musical innovation as being of major relevance to this band (again, based on the s/t).
Heheh, yeah the lyrics kinda put me off, though they are "entertaining." It's just that I see that as kind of a contradiction to the direction black metal SHOULD be heading.

What I meant by the first piece you quoted is that the members are in these uber-kvlt seeming main projects with all those "obscure" orthodox themes, then they do a sideproject where their motives are so insanely blatant. Kind of takes away from the aesthetic part for me, I dunno.

Point is, I probably won't ever listen to 'em again...gave that debut one spin...last track was an EBM/downtempo trance song. Thought that was really aggravating (I don't dislike this kind of music on the whole, but it has no place here). I guess I can agree that it has an "industrial rock" edge though of course more "metallic." Interesting thought.
I generally consider symphonic black metal to be among the lowest forms of music.

Is it down there with Rap, Swing, & Pop-Punk?? I'm wondering what's so damn bad about Black Metal with some synths & usually clean production. You probably just think it's faggy for some weird reason. You are very nihilistic in nature (is this a good time to use the term Zeph?). Not to worry, as I'm sure you take that as a compliment.

I'm not super big on Symphonic Black, but I would consider bands like Emperor to be in that genre & I like some of those bands. If you don't like music with synths then that knocks off a lot of metal you don't like (providing that's why you hate Symphonic Black so much). Do you not like Metal with guitar solos, clean vocals & clean production too?

Forgive me if I left my sarcasm detector in the back seat.
Is anyone else here familiar with Abyssmal Nocturne? I've given their full-length From the Astral Abyss a few listens and I'm quite impressed. Nothing groundbreaking, but it hearkens to the days of Emperor's ITNE, to give an idea of what I thought. I enjoyed the prominent yet noninvasive use of keyboards and the variety of the drumming, as well as the force of the vocals. The guitars are actually pushed pretty far back in the mix and rarely stand out amongst the cacophony.

Never heard of them, but I guess I should. Listening to their myspace now.

This is ITNE-worship without a doubt, but with a weakness in the guitar-department as you pointed out. The production seems to favor the bass over the main guitars. I've heard many better bands than this.
Is it down there with Rap, Swing, & Pop-Punk?? I'm wondering what's so damn bad about Black Metal with some synths & usually clean production. You probably just think it's faggy for some weird reason. You are very nihilistic in nature (is this a good time to use the term Zeph?). Not to worry, as I'm sure you take that as a compliment.

I'm not super big on Symphonic Black, but I would consider bands like Emperor to be in that genre & I like some of those bands. If you don't like music with synths then that knocks off a lot of metal you don't like (providing that's why you hate Symphonic Black so much). Do you not like Metal with guitar solos, clean vocals & clean production too?

Forgive me if I left my sarcasm detector in the back seat.
Jesus Christ. Never ever use the word nihilistic again. It has no place in this context. Rejection of society's values has nothing to do with disliking symphonic black metal. The reason people, myself included, mostly dislike it is that it is bombastic and clean, which is the opposite of what I want from my black metal.
Heheh, yeah the lyrics kinda put me off, though they are "entertaining." It's just that I see that as kind of a contradiction to the direction black metal SHOULD be heading.
I'd like to hear about that.

What I meant by the first piece you quoted is that the members are in these uber-kvlt seeming main projects with all those "obscure" orthodox themes, then they do a sideproject where their motives are so insanely blatant. Kind of takes away from the aesthetic part for me, I dunno.
Those motives being what? (as said I'm not really sure yet myself)

Point is, I probably won't ever listen to 'em again...gave that debut one spin...last track was an EBM/downtempo trance song. Thought that was really aggravating (I don't dislike this kind of music on the whole, but it has no place here). I guess I can agree that it has an "industrial rock" edge though of course more "metallic." Interesting thought.
I found the last track worked as a culmination of all the elements and hints throughout the album that point to influence from such a style, it wasn't exactly out of place. Again I found that track similar to what Meads Of Asphodel did on their EP last year.

Is it down there with Rap, Swing, & Pop-Punk?? I'm wondering what's so damn bad about Black Metal with some synths & usually clean production. You probably just think it's faggy for some weird reason.
I might put rap on a higher level. Basically I find it simplistic, tacky, overbearing, and artsy in the effeminate hipster sense. It's like the gothneburg of the black metal scene. Probably the misleading name is also a problem; it plays at being erudite when it usually has as much in common with synthpop as any form of classical music.

Do you not like Metal with guitar solos, clean vocals & clean production too?
You are very retarded in nature.
Jesus Christ. Never ever use the word nihilistic again. It has no place in this context. Rejection of society's values has nothing to do with disliking symphonic black metal. The reason people, myself included, mostly dislike it is that it is bombastic and clean, which is the opposite of what I want from my black metal.

Good symphonic black metal isn't clean, as it depends on atmosphere just as much as regular black metal. To pull it off with a clean, modern production requires a hell of an effort from the songwriting, which is difficult and thus there are those who fail, as you are talking about.
Jesus Christ. Never ever use the word nihilistic again. It has no place in this context. Rejection of society's values has nothing to do with disliking symphonic black metal. The reason people, myself included, mostly dislike it is that it is bombastic and clean, which is the opposite of what I want from my black metal.

BWAHAHA! I was trying to have a little bit of a sense of humor with the nihilistic comment. I read that it's someone who rejects traditional values & believes that our existence is utterly useless (dictionary) - so basically that sounds like a pretty negative person to me.

I've heard Symphonic Black Metal that was clean & had good songwriting, the main album I think of now is Graveworm's "As the Angels Reach the Beauty" or Emperor's "ITNE" which had dirty production. Besides from that I never run into any "hipster scene kids" around here, so I could honestly care less what they're listening to. I never let a band or genre's fans turn me away from actual music. Music is something you listen to.

All that being said, anyone who likes Black Metal is bound to like some of the non-cheese Symphonic Black Metal. The Elite or allegedly musically gifted might say that Symphonic Black Metal is not Black Metal which may be true at times & I agree, but I don't think this applies to all Symphonic Black Metal.
Symphonic Black is great! I don't think I've come across any with clean production, besides Dimmu Borgir (who aren't bm anymore anyway) and Bal-Sagoth, who are more extreme symphonic than anything else.