Black Metal.

They're a band (Darkspace) that you really need to be in the perfect mood to listen to, and while they're good at what they do it's nothing mind-blowing.
I'm listening to the Darkspace stuff now. A lot of times I can't listen to or go to fancy web pages at work. My computer there has no speakers & 64mb of ram doesn't help either.

I liked IX Equilibrium. Accessibility is not something I think any album should be judged too strongly on. If an album is bad it's just fucking bad no matter how accessible it is. Same goes for if it's good. I think certain "nihilists" are just embarrassed to say they like certain albums.

I think you meant to say "elitists" instead of "nihilists". And the true elitists will poo-poo Emperor starting an album prior with Anthems.
darkspace are awesome at what they do, but what they do only occasionally does anything for me

anthems has some cool individual parts but as an album it's vile. thankfully i've never heard ix equilibrium, but i hear it sucks
Vinterriket makes me laugh with its horrible production. I'm still not sure what to make of them. I have Winterschatten, and I find the album musically unbalanced as well, with the last half of the album being all ambient, from what I recall, and the drum machine is annoying. I'll have to give it another shot though, it's probably been almost a year.
Listening to Code's Nouveau Gloaming for the past few days. I had avery wrong idea about these guys. They are pretty awesome.
anthems has some cool individual parts but as an album it's vile. thankfully i've never heard ix equilibrium, but i hear it sucks

Well, I used to listen to Black Metal a bit, then I started stumbling across too much uninventive stuff that kind of turned me off to it. I picked up "Anthems" & for some unknown reason it actually got me back into it... After that I got lucky & started getting better stuff then I quickly grew to "not think so highly of" "Anthems" anymore.

I certainly wouldn't go far enough to say "Anthems" was bad, but from my first impression I would say I like "IX Equilibrium" much better as it's actually interesting.

Darkspace was pretty cool, but it was really thinly mixed & everything was same sounding. I listened to all those MySpace tracks this morning. I'll pick up one of their albums if I'm ever in the mood for that sort of thing. I know this guy at another board who worships them... For me I just don't think it envoked any kind of mood other than what some other Black Metal bands can envoke. It was kinda depressing I guess...

I think you meant to say "elitists" instead of "nihilists".

No, I meant "nihilist" :loco: You guys taught me a new word.

Nihilism - a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless
I know what they do. One of my e-pals sent me a handfull of tracks from them. I'm not even sure if much of their stuff is still available for purchase. I remember looking for some of their stuff on a Metal CD site & they were all unavailable. I think Amazon didn't have the album I wanted too if I remember right.
Mathiäs;6730582 said:
Ildjarn is awesome....but extremely unaccessible.

Not really. If you go into it with the right mind frame.

I know what they do. One of my e-pals sent me a handfull of tracks from them. I'm not even sure if much of their stuff is still available for purchase. I remember looking for some of their stuff on a Metal CD site & they were all unavailable. I think Amazon didn't have the album I wanted too if I remember right.

...try Metal Haven. I was there the other day I think I saw some Ildjarn stuff. I know they have a website so try ordering from there.
IX Equilibrium is pretty awful, although I generally consider symphonic black metal to be among the lowest forms of music.

I haven't seen much talk of Wewelsburg around here; the new one is one of the year's better albums. NSBM ranging from melodic instrumentals to industrial aggression to RAC rockers.

IX.XI seem to be among the more conceptually interesting bands in this genre to emerge this year.