Black Metal.

PESTE NOIRE has no official myspace page nor any website and will never have. They are totally against that friend-seeking side of the internet BM scene (myspace, forums) and reject the exposure of their music to the undeserving masses through mp3s by so-called "fans" (myspace, youtube, lastfm, p2p).

BWAHAHAHAHAHA how the fuck do they promote themselves? I swear guys in these kinds of bands must have 2nd & 3rd jobs otherwise they wouldn't be able to eat & put gas in their cars. I've strangely enough always wondered about the financial situations of underground Black Metal bands like that. Maybe they're not that underground & I've at least heard of them, but you know what I mean.

Peste Noire are one of the few bands that have a true underground spirit that is not meant to be used for a marketing sense. Peste Noire are more of a word of mouth band.
Peste Noire are one of the few bands that have a true underground spirit that is not meant to be used for a marketing sense. Peste Noire are more of a word of mouth band.

I have a copy of their Macabre Transcendence demo and it has lots of interesting little tidbits written in it.

Peste Noire doesn't play NS black but true Black Metal only, dedicated to evil and Satan's kind. This opus is destined to an elite. It has been created in clandestine and tends to stay in it.

the Peste Noire Kommando advocates the use of hard drugs,proliferation of mental and genetic diseases,pedophelia, racial segregation, concentration camp proslavery,war, bacteriological viruses propagation and thus supports all that can seriously damage a society in decay because of jew attitudes and its herd of trained slaves.
The point of that message is "fuck the world and destroy yourself".
I love Peste Noire's music.

@Evil? How the fuck did you get that demo I have the two records and the Lorraine Rehearsal but fuck how did you get that?

So what do you guys think of new Primordial - To The Nameless Dead?

it's phantastic! definitely the best album this year so far. i'm a fan of this band since the days of 'Journey's End' and i'm quite sure to say they never realeased any single mediocre song. 'Spirit The Earh Aflame' has been a long favourite of mine, but after few listens to 'To The Nameless Dead' i dare to say this is my new favourite of them.
Btw, the underground comment wasn't really directed at you personally, I just generally got that vibe from alot of posts on the last page. :)

I see what you mean, but it's tough to get around to everything unless you're a serious hobbyist & you've been working on your collection for a while. I listen to a lot of metal genres but I also listen to a lot of other genres like Jazz/Fusion, Ethnic, Dark Ambient, Prog, Rock, Instrumental, Blues, ect. I spread myself very thinly, so I'm not a master on any Metal genre.

Anyways, Samael was kind of one of those "staple" bands I was referring to. I've been listening to "Ceremony of Opposites" for the better part of the night & I think it's pretty fucking good. Great album here & it will get a lot of play out of me.

Does anyone have any comments on their new one? Next time I order CDs I was planning on buying it.
I finally got around to listening to Blut Aus Nord's Odinist last night, over a month after Hubster sent me all the tracks for it. On first listen I was disappointed. It sounded like a less-scary version of TWWTG, with every song but the last one having essentially the same drum track and similar riffs plugged in. Now some of the riffs were pretty good but overall the album was rather boring. Perhaps there's something deeper in it that I haven't quite perceived, so I'll give it a chance to sink in.
Does anyone have any comments on their new one? Next time I order CDs I was planning on buying it.

I hear it's their worst, and it's nothing compared to their early/mid era material. Get Blood Ritual instead, or Passage if you're daring to explore their progression into industrial black metal.
I finally got around to listening to Blut Aus Nord's Odinist last night, over a month after Hubster sent me all the tracks for it. On first listen I was disappointed. It sounded like a less-scary version of TWWTG, with every song but the last one having essentially the same drum track and similar riffs plugged in. Now some of the riffs were pretty good but overall the album was rather boring.

This is still exactly what I think about it, after many listens. Fuck it.
MasterOLightning sent me a track from The Work... and I thought it was decent. I really liked drumming and the guitars had an odd quality to them. Not sure if I'll ever really like this style of black metal, but it was cool.
That album takes a few listens to get into. I originally only liked it cuz it was obscure, heh. I grew to love it after some intimate headphone listening.
MasterOLightning sent me a track from The Work... and I thought it was decent. I really liked drumming and the guitars had an odd quality to them. Not sure if I'll ever really like this style of black metal, but it was cool.

I've had an addiction to that album's closing song.
That's a typical TWWTG song, which for the most part lacked on Odinist. Listen to "The Procession of Dead Clowns" is a slower track which extracts a sort of dark emotion out of the inhuman chaos that defines the album.