Black Metal.

It's like doom metal: Black Sabbath sounds NOTHING like Mourning Beloveth, yet both are considered doom, on preceding the other by decades. The difference obviously being that Black Sabbath were not referred to as doom metal back when they started playing.
Kind of ironic how a band not called doom metal back then is called doom now, and a band called black metal back then is no longer so now.
Yeah, that's the only difference in the parallel I was trying to draw. I guess Mercyful Fate is black metal, but I think that it would be most accurate to preface it with "first wave." And even then, Mercyful Fate sounds nothing like Bathory.
It's really not rocket science. Black Sabbath came out before any sub-genres of metal existed so they obviously wouldn't be considered doom metal right off the bat. Venom came out before black metal had an established sound so calling them that nowadays is inaccurate. That's really all there is to it.

I've recently been introduced to Borknagar. I've only been able to listen to a few songs, but so far I liked everything I've heard from 'Empiricism.' Are the rest of their records as good, or are some better than others?
It really isn't hard to recognize the aesthetics of black metal when hearing it. Are the aesthetics not considered an established sound?
Black Metal is not even primarily defined by musical aesthetics, so the idea that there would be an "established sound" of Black Metal music doesn't even make sense.
Well talking about the music itself is misrepresenting the historical lineage of the genre. This has been discussed dozens of times on this board, so I don't know why people still have this problem.