Black Metal.

Well contrary to popular belief, genres are not solely classified on musical qualities. In Metal, this is especially true of Black Metal, so, to continue to state the obvious, saying that Mercyful Fate is not Black Metal and citing the fact that they don't meet the "established sound" of Black Metal today as evidence is missing the point and doing a disservice to the complexity of the issue at hand.

You're right in a broader sense. I just think things don't have to be understood/enjoyed by looking at it from that "big picture". Especially when it comes to something like music.
Well when somebody is contesting a fact that has to be understood in a broader sense, it needs to be brought up, that's all.

That said, everyone needs to listen to Mercyful Fate more anyway.
Is Velvet Cacoon serious about their music and is it worth looking into.
It's irrelevant whether the music is actually sincere. The backstory is not required to enjoy the stuff. I rank Genevieve very highly. It's in my top 10 BM albums. It's well liked by quite a few people. I'm not so sure about the other albums. They weren't received as well.
It's good, but it's not at the same quality. It also has more of a generic "Thrash" production.
Hell on Earth is totally fine too, but I like Evil Never Dies more and IMO it's one of those bands that sounds pretty much the same over and over so owning one album is enough (even though I own both + an EP :p)
Faustcoven update:

"As of today, all the bass has been recorded, leaving the only thing left to record 1 solo, and a couple of guitar harmony lines. Then some editing and mixing, but the end of this long process is looming very close indeed."
Are we in agreeance that Enter the Eternal Fire is the greatest black metal song of all time?

No, but it's definitely in the top 5 or 10. I still value "I Am the Black Wizards" and "Freezing Moon" above it.

Mathiäs;6883779 said:
And most everything after is as well

Pretty much, but the decline started after Empiricism. Hopefully the new album this year will prove me wrong.
I actually think Freezing Moon is one of the weaker songs off the album. Same with I Am the Black Wizards. I prefer Buried By Time and Dust and Cosmic Keys to My Creation and Times.