Black Metal.

Speaking of Emperor, I've been wary to pick up the Emperor/Wrath of The Tyrant CD because I'll feel like I've already heard most of the songs on there.
What's the general consensus of Vesania here? I enjoy their melding of Behemoth-esque death metal and vast keyboard arrangements, but I'm interested to know what others make of them.
By description, it sounds like the perfect band for me, but I remember checking them out a while ago and not feeling the vibes. Perhaps I should try again.
Speaking of Emperor, I've been wary to pick up the Emperor/Wrath of The Tyrant CD because I'll feel like I've already heard most of the songs on there.

Not worth it, especially on a budget like yours.
What matters is the financial commitment. He's getting two songs he hasn't heard from the Emperor EP, and then he may not even want to listen to Wrath of the Tyrant because the production is so bad.
Yeah, I'm more towards leaning to buying Burzum's Filosofem for my next CD purchase sometime next month, and maybe one of Death Delirium's 5 $ CD's as well(Dem Mysterriis Dom Sathanas and/or Stormblast MMV).
Yeah, I'm more towards leaning to buying Burzum's Filosofem for my next CD purchase sometime next month, and maybe one of Death Delirium's 5 $ CD's as well(Dem Mysterriis Dom Sathanas and/or Stormblast MMV).

I'd go with DMDS personally but you should check out at least one track from the album to see if you like the vocals.
By description, it sounds like the perfect band for me, but I remember checking them out a while ago and not feeling the vibes. Perhaps I should try again.

I thought the same thing and had the same reaction upon initial listen, but it grows on you pretty quickly. The symphonic elements are very pronounced and there's a mild experimental edge, especially in their recent work. I'd give it another go, if I were you.
Vampire-Magazine-What other non-metal bands do you enjoy? I hate to admit it, but I was listening to Kasabian in the car over the weekend myself. Please don’t hang up…

Blake Judd of Nachtmystium-I like all kinds of music, and I’m certainly not going to be ashamed to admit it. Lately, [I’ve been getting really into Interpol, that’s probably the most ‘commercial’ band that I’m super addicted to. They remind me of Joy Division (who I also adore), so been really into them. Also, lots of old psyche and prog stuff, Camel, early Hawkwind, early ZZ Top (fuck yeah! Their first record KILLS), tons of other stuff as well. Oh – can’t forget to mention Death In June, been a huge kick with them lately as well.

As you can see Black Judd is into good music. We should discuss his music a bit more. Nachtmystium is an excellent band, am I right?
I would like to think they are better than Profanatica, Nec. Aside for the early stuff.

By-the-way, Profanatica have taken the cake for the worst black metal picture ever. In fact,they have taken it multiple times.

I hate Profanatica so much.