Black Metal.

Shut the fuck up David, Jesus Christ.

Listened to Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike.

The first two songs are catchy to my ears, after that it's not as accessible, will listen to each track individually.

Also (re)listened to Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss.

Awesome album, quite catchy. Probably because of a lot repetition.

...and yes, I copy-pasted the album names, I can't fucking remember that shit. :erk:
I've got no hope of salvaging my life while in high school, so the best I can do is have the most fun with my time remaining before college.
Abrupt tormented riffs singe and dive, seething in the hissing deconstruction of their own forms before resurrecting in a flash and charring. Using the simplest, often most jarringly aesthetic, songwriting ideas possible this band of deranged individuals create short but transmissively rhythmic works, opening vectors into the listener with natural motions and sudden instantly logical transitions with an emphasis on primal riffs and unchartable screaming noise. A turbulent redux and cyclic winnowing and return both mixes ideas and keeps them jarringly separate, moving the listener between themes as if rooms in an apocalyptic funhouse.

Like most black metal, Profanatica aim for the sleeping mind of the human machine and saturate it with a bloodlike rhythm while a structure twists and regenerates in front of the ears. Once a continuity has been established, songs create spaces of introduction while flashing to final conflicts and resolutions within the motif of the value structure of each song, in concept and creation. Intermediary wanderings fade into an exploration of the dark underpinnings of each poetic mechanism like a drunken lazy genius deconstructing his enemies, slight motions leading to symphonic collaboration of natural forces toward change.

The works here chronicle this band from a youth of abandon to songs honed and handled to smoothness and absolute application to function alone that differentiated this band among other counterpoint atonal metal composers. Early versions of Havohej and Profanatica classics, in their often punkish or sprawlingly black metal personae, cut to the vein of the spirit pushing an unlikely quest through in a belief in its art. These artists were an inspiration to many European bands and remain legendary in the occupied American states.

I'd like to see Necuratul translate this into plain English, and find out if even 10% of the text in here actually contains any real information.
I'd like to see Necuratul translate this into plain English, and find out if even 10% of the text in here actually contains any real information.

About 90% of it is pretentious poetical bullshit.


"There are a lot of different moods and emotions covered in this album that make you feel for the songwriter, and overall, it's really fucking good".
Abrupt tormented riffs singe and dive, seething in the hissing deconstruction of their own forms before resurrecting in a flash and charring. Using the simplest, often most jarringly aesthetic, songwriting ideas possible this band of deranged individuals create short but transmissively rhythmic works, opening vectors into the listener with natural motions and sudden instantly logical transitions with an emphasis on primal riffs and unchartable screaming noise. A turbulent redux and cyclic winnowing and return both mixes ideas and keeps them jarringly separate, moving the listener between themes as if rooms in an apocalyptic funhouse.

Like most black metal, Profanatica aim for the sleeping mind of the human machine and saturate it with a bloodlike rhythm while a structure twists and regenerates in front of the ears. Once a continuity has been established, songs create spaces of introduction while flashing to final conflicts and resolutions within the motif of the value structure of each song, in concept and creation. Intermediary wanderings fade into an exploration of the dark underpinnings of each poetic mechanism like a drunken lazy genius deconstructing his enemies, slight motions leading to symphonic collaboration of natural forces toward change.

The works here chronicle this band from a youth of abandon to songs honed and handled to smoothness and absolute application to function alone that differentiated this band among other counterpoint atonal metal composers. Early versions of Havohej and Profanatica classics, in their often punkish or sprawlingly black metal personae, cut to the vein of the spirit pushing an unlikely quest through in a belief in its art. These artists were an inspiration to many European bands and remain legendary in the occupied American states.

Nice copy+paste job, faggot
I never claimed to have written it, faggot. In fact I'm surprised it was even questioned at all. I obviously posted an ANUS review in order to give credibility to those who believe that Profanatica is a quality band.