Black Metal.

ANUS has fucking ridiculously good taste in Metal, actually. Of course, you have to actually like that style of Metal, which you don't.
Fair enough, I guess. I just seem to remember seeing an article on that site ridiculing Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir, and thus concluded that they're a bunch of closed-minded retards.

I guess the closed-minded part would still be true, though.
To give an example of how well their taste coincide with mine, here's their Death Metal section and my take on said bands:

Abomination (win)
Acerbus (don't know)
Adramelech (win)
Amorphis (win)
Ancient Rites (win)
Asgard (win)
Asphyx (win)
At the Gates (win)
Atheist (win)
Atrocity (win)
Autopsy (win)
Baphomet (win)
Cadaver (win)
Capharnaum (don't know)
Cartilage (win)
Cenotaph (win)
Centinex (don't know)
Ceremonium (win)
Ceremony (win)
Cryptopsy (don't really care for, but can respect their debut)
dead horse (don't know)
Death (win)
Deathstrike (win)
Deceased (win)
Deeds of Flesh (meh)
Deicide (win)
Demigod (win)
Demilich (win)
Deteriorate (don't know)
Dismember (win)
Divine Eve (win)
Entombed (win)
Fleshcrawl (win)
God Macabre (win)
Gorguts (win)
Grotesque (win)
Gutted (don't know)
Hate Eternal (no)
Hetsheads (win)
Hypocrisy (win)
Immolation (win)
Imprecation (win)
Incantation (win)
Infester (win)
Intestine Baalism (win)
Kataklysm (win)
Kilcrops (don't know)
Lepra (don't know)
Luciferion (win)
Magus (win)
Martyr (don't know)
Massacra (win)
Massacre (win)
Master (win)
Molested (win)
Monstrosity (win)
Morbid Angel (win)
Morpheus Descends (win)
Mortem (win)
Mortuary (win)
Mythic (win)
Necromass (win)
Necrophiliac (don't know)
Necrophobic (win)
Nuclear Death (win)
Num Skull (win)
Obituary (win)
Oppressor (win)
Pessimist (don't know)
Pestilence (win)
Possessed (win)
Pyrexia (don't know)
Rigor Mortis (win)
Rise (don't know)
Revenant (win)
Sadistic Intent (win)
Seance (win)
Sentenced (win)
Sepultura (win)
Sinister (win)
Slayer (win)
Suffocation (win)
Thanatopsis (don't know)
Therion (win)
Torchure (win)
Unanimated (win)
Uncanny (win)
Unleashed (win)
Vader (win)
Fair enough, I guess. I just seem to remember seeing an article on that site ridiculing Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir, and thus concluded that they're a bunch of closed-minded retards.

I guess the closed-minded part would still be true, though.

Well it's not really hard to be that on-target when it all sounds the same. :p

Nec I'm surprised you like Kataklysm
I only like the very early Kataklysm stuff btw, same with Vader and most of the other bands listed with an extensive discography.
To the untrained ear.

oh snap

I understand your sentiments here, but it seems like 99 percent of the time "training my ear" for black metal involves training myself to overlook the consistent lack of compelling melodies. That's really what puts me off to the genre most of the time, and not the actual harshness of the sound.

If I seem grossly misguided in this assumption, feel free to list for me some BM bands/albums/songs that you think meet a high standard of melodic quality.