Black Metal.

As far as I know, they've only recently started to incorporate soloing (Blood In Our Wells). I haven't listened to Autumn Aurora or Swan Road lately, but I'd imagine it's business as usual for them.

but I will agree there are bands that are way more minimalistic than Drudkh.
Word. I suppose, like I said, that Drudkh is "pretty minimalistic" ESPECIALLY if you're just getting into BM. I'm pretty sure we shouldn't send him off to check out Beherit :p
Autumn Aurora indeed has solos on it. I also think of Beherit to be the epitome of minimalistic BM.
Nokturnal Mortum - NeChrist is finally starting to grow on me. It's still probably one of their weaker albums but I still find it highly enjoyable.
Damn, I actually really love Nechrist, I think its my favorite album by them. I find the album really intense and dirty. After that I rate Lunar Poetry and To the Gates.. as runneruppers.

I don't like Weltanschuang at all, Im not a fan of Vikingish sounding stuff.
Never really understood why everyone rates Lunar Poetry so high, sure it is a 10/10 album and super great (its NM ffs) but I think all their releases except for Twilightfall is better.
I listened to some Drukdh and didn't really like it, though I do like the bands people have said their styles are related to, Ulver and Burzum.
Blue, start liking stuff that is not so "pretty." There are not 1000 Dimmu albums, you know? I suggest you find some new stuff soon.
I will eventually, it'll come in time, for now I still don't have all the CD's I want from the usual bands, and I'll probably be putting BM on the backburner for a bit soon when I start buying more death metal CD's.
I will eventually, it'll come in time, for now I still don't have all the CD's I want from the usual bands, and I'll probably be putting BM on the backburner for a bit soon when I start buying more death metal CD's.

Ugh. Than buy some death metal faster than usual.