Black Metal.

^I will check them out, Black Metal Radio is actually a good guide for discovering more black metal, it's how I heard Thy Primordial, and I was suggested Setherial from a member here because of my liking of Dark Funeral.
I have friends kind of like that. When they buy albums for themselves, they devote multiple listens to them in order to get into them, and let them grow on them. But when I send them CD-r's, they listen to them once, maybe twice, and don't give as much of an effort. I think at least one them is growing out of this habit, but I still suspect he gives less time to things he doesn't own in album form.
Whoever could you be referring to?

Well a lot of people are much more willing to to a give to a band that they found on their own than a band that somebody wants them to like. I know that I don't really give bands turned on to me half the chance that I would if I discovered them on my own unless they were recommended to me by my own request or if it came from somebody with extremely similar tastes to me.
I am this way and it is harder for me to give albums I didn't discover myself as much of a chance. I have tried to combat this, but then again I know my own tastes and some things lent by others is just never going to satisfy it.
I have friends kind of like that. When they buy albums for themselves, they devote multiple listens to them in order to get into them, and let them grow on them. But when I send them CD-r's, they listen to them once, maybe twice, and don't give as much of an effort. I think at least one them is growing out of this habit, but I still suspect he gives less time to things he doesn't own in album form.
I agree with Nec here, If someone wants me to listen to something sure I can try it out but it's not like a magically get in the mood for whatever he sent me. For me I usually listens one or two times (depending on if it is a song or several songs) and then go on with whatever I did before. On the other hand if a order an album I usually look forward to hearing it and checking the booklet etc. So it is natural to devote more to it. It's like if you got an assignment you had to do versus doing some hobby or something you really like. Which will you enjoy and put the most soul into?
^I will check them out, Black Metal Radio is actually a good guide for discovering more black metal, it's how I heard Thy Primordial, and I was suggested Setherial from a member here because of my liking of Dark Funeral.

I have noticed that Black Metal Radio has a slight bias towards the more aggressive, Dark Funeral/Marduk-esque side of black metal. There's plenty of variety in each episode, but the in-your-face stuff is dominant.
^I will check them out, Black Metal Radio is actually a good guide for discovering more black metal, it's how I heard Thy Primordial, and I was suggested Setherial from a member here because of my liking of Dark Funeral.

Just curious, have you heard any Bathory yet?
I would dedicate some time to listening to Under the Sign of the Black Mark. I honestly think it's THE album that perfects the style.
So Mercyful Fate is black metal because they had the devil ideology? By your standards... Black Sabbath could be considered black metal since they influenced Mercyful Fate and Venom with their ideology about satanism, occultism and black magic.

Please inform me with your oh so great knowledge mr smart ass who called me retarded.

Well clearly you are a retard because I was against the idea of Mercyful Fate (let alone Black Sabbath) being musically black metal. Did you not even read any of my fucking posts?
Speaking of 'in your face' BM, I usually have Xeohl - Un Genre De Noir ( sounds corny, but it lives up to its name! ), Armaggeda - Only True Believers, and Massemord's - Let The Wold Burn on my playlist lately. Recommended.
I have noticed that Black Metal Radio has a slight bias towards the more aggressive, Dark Funeral/Marduk-esque side of black metal. There's plenty of variety in each episode, but the in-your-face stuff is dominant.

Yeah that's the impression I always get whenever I listen to it once in a while. Aggressive black metal is fine with me, but I don't get into that particular "brand" of aggression too often. Usually when I want that, it's more along the lines of Blasphemy, Proclamation, Revenge and such.