Black Metal.

Anyone heard Urna's album "Sepulcrum"?

"Experimental/avantgarde" Black Doom. Reminds me of Blut Aus Nord a little (from Urna's Black Metal context anyway).
Anyone heard Urna's album "Sepulcrum"?

"Experimental/avantgarde" Black Doom. Reminds me of Blut Aus Nord a little (from Urna's Black Metal context anyway).
hmm...I will have to check them out since I love Blut Aus Nord and pretty much anything that's experimental.
Nortt is standard funeral doom to me. Bands like Thergothon, Skepticism and Worship just own him so I can't be bothered with it. :>

Exactly, in therm of Funeral Doom, nothing will ever surpass Skepticism... in my opinion.

hmm...I will have to check them out since I love Blut Aus Nord and pretty much anything that's experimental.

You should check Reverence - Chambers of Divine Elaboration for stuff similar to BAN.
It could be just first impressions, but Battles in the North is the worst Immortal album IMO. Worse than Damned in Black and Blizzard Beasts. Not even a better production could set it above the others.

But then again, this is my first impression.