Black Metal.

Yeah, it was also a shirt. One of the coolest shirt designs I've seen. Too bad it's long out of print as far as I'm aware.
I could never see myself wearing a patch jacket but I do find them pretty cool looking. I have seen a couple Morbid patches and those were badass.
You bastards STILL need to listen to Epheles. :kickass:

Fucking 'A. It's a shame their stuff is so bloody scarce.

I have a nice patched leather jacket going. So far all I have sewed on are patches by Graveland, Gorgoroth, Mutiilation and Moonblood. I still need to sew on Absurd, Nifelheim, Inquisition, Sabbat (Jpn), Old Wainds and Dissection (the backpatch). I should get that done and upload pictures, it's metal as fuck.
Alternately, buy a large t-shirt and cut the image off it for a badass backpatch. :p
This is what I'm going to do, I have the Reverend Bizarre - Harbinger of Metal shirt which is a bit too large for me. Would look very badass with Odin's Battle With the Giants on my back!

On my Jacket I have now (wish is falling apart that's why I'm thinking of making another one) I have Celtic Frost - Emperor's Return. Boobs ftw. :-D