Black Metal.

:rolleyes: Actually, some of us do. Personally, I find lyrical content is just as important as the music. I don't think it should be a deciding factor on the band overall though...
Who really cares about bad lyrics in extreme metal. Especially when they are not native english speakers.

No, they are just childish. The whole band's image and sound is childish.

Read the lyrics.

Hear my voice into your head, don't try to stop it
The poison streaming into your veins is me

The cold you can feel is my revenge
You're just a scum, a creeping filth, you inspire hate

Take this poisoned blade or are you
So c**t that you can't end your life?

Everyone has the right to kill himself
Families and friends are only excuses
It's stupid to say, I want to die
When you don't have the courage to kill yourself

I watch your blood flowing to my feet
I smile watching you creeping like the worm you are

And your eyes are watching me asking for help
The only thing you'll receive will be my foot on your face

These blades are tearing me and killing me
Your hand try to reach me asking for help

So fucking sad human are you enjoying it?
Hear my voice and fucking kill yourself now
I can see the correlation in that. Each Nortt release has become progressively more ambient, so I guess right now it could be akin to Sunn O))) in a way.

Meanwhile I'm enjoying the brilliant hatred of Hate Forest's "Battlefields".
Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symphonia
Anorexia Nervosa - Drudenhaus
Covenant - Nexus Polaris
Crionics - Armageddon's Evolution
Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions
Kataxu - Hunger of Elements
Limbonic Art - In Abhorrence Dementia or Ad Noctum: Dynasty of Death
Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry
Obsidian Gate - The Nightspectral Voyage
Tartaros - The Grand Psychotic Castle
Troll - Drep De Kristne
Zargof - Departure for the Cosmic Twilight

Wolven Ancestry - The Wrath of Gaia

Gehenna - Seen Through the Veils of Darkness (Our Second Spell)
Kyprian's Circle - Noitatulen Vartija
Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft
Vintersemestre - Jääverisaatana
Wallachia - Wallachia

Thanks for the recs guys. I need to check out these albums.
no. he is not wrong. you are wrong with your misconception of standard funeral doom

They new album may be someting diferent as I said I haven't heard it but the stuff from Graven to Ligfærd is standard funeral doom? What about it isn't?