Black Metal.

The stuff from Nattetale to Ligfærd and through to Galgenfrist (i.e. every single release) is quite removed from standard funeral doom. Placing Nortt, and say, Skepticism or Shape Of Despair in the same bucket is pretty far-fetched. The only literal similarity is perhaps the pace, and Nortt is very slow indeed, almost borderline drone (in terms of it's pace, nothing else, think of bands like Earth).

Nortt takes elements of f/d, but fuses it with Black Metal philosophy, minimalist arpeggiated playing (i.e. Burzum influences), extremely basic chording, but the emotional expression and pace is all f/d (f/d for a start is far more complex melodically, it has far more tonal colour than black doom does).

I strongly believe that in the Black Metal field, Nortt is about as far from standard as you can get. No one does Black Doom like Nortt, nothing has come close (and it's a very finite field as well) - he has perfected the art of expressing dark emotion without relying on a vast array of tonal spectra, he has maximised minimalism. This does not occur in funeral doom: the f/d spectra, while limited, is still much wider than that in Nortt, it has a far more detailed characteristic makeup.

Perhaps it just doesn't ring for you... there are others here who are not moved by Nortt, but aside from me being a huge fan, I must also say that I consider it to be art of a very high standard. It is extremely creative and consistent, and unique which is rare these days.
What Carpathian Forest CD would you recommend me? I recently got Morbid Fascination of Death and thought it was good, but lacking, 7/10 basically.
I meant to say don't stick with one band and get all their albums at once before you've checked out a range of other bands first, such as what he did with Satyricon.
Yeah, I did the same thing with Emperor as well, I got INTE, Anthems, and Prometheus all within a 4-5 month window. I don't like Morbid Fascination as much as my favorites, I don't even think it's better than Dimmu's In Sorte Diaboli, but still I enjoyed it and I'm guessing Black Shining Leather or Strange Old Brew, or maybe even Fuck You All will be my next CD from them. For now I'm considering getting me Dark Funeral's Diabolus Interium or some Technical DM a la Decapitated, Origin, and Cryptopsy for my next purchases.
I'm probably the last person on Earth to realize this, but Limbonic Art's early albums were really really cool. I no longer consider keyboards gay.

Carry on.