Black Metal.

Going to stray off topic…

The fist time I heard “Darkspace” I was grabbed by the concept, and even more intrigued by the music. After listening to the first album a couple of times (which isn’t easy), I wanted to hear what else they might be capable of doing with this sound; so I bought “Darkspace II”. The band seems to have succeeded in what they set out to originally do with their first release in this second installment. The feeling of being surrounded by complete blackness in blissful solitude is one way I can think of describing it. The low-fi production and barely audible guitars are still present; however, the chunky guitar rhythms have been obliterated. The drums are very low in the mix with a heavy reverberation to make them sound dissonant and far away. The vocals are amazing at times: sounding like strange distant creatures and victimized beings screaming out in terror. The Keyboards have become more frequently used along with backing arpeggios and more involved chord changes on the guitars. Much like the first album, it is easy to get lost in the music, but not to the point where the album simply losses your attention. There is more melody to keep you interested, and the ambience is simply astonishing. The only way to truly enjoy this album is to always listen to it from start to finish with as little distraction as possible.

Anyways, I think Darkspace II is a big step up from the first and I’m wondering if anyone else shares my views…or maybe this can give someone an idea of what the album is like if they’ve been meaning to check it out.
I gave Darkspace I a listen and it was a chore sitting through the whole thing. I feel like I didn't really get it on first listen though so I'll give it a few more shots.

I had the same problem with darkspace I. All I can suggest is get the second one since is so much better, but that's just my opinion.
Yeah, I'm more towards leaning to buying Burzum's Filosofem for my next CD purchase sometime next month, and maybe one of Death Delirium's 5 $ CD's as well(Dem Mysterriis Dom Sathanas and/or Stormblast MMV).

I already got the Mayhem. I really need to catch up on them.

What I've heard of Darkspace wasn't very original, yet it was still spooky & good. I didn't realize they were a newer band with only two albums. I will have to look into them soon.
Anyone checked out the 4-way split "Eastern Hammer" off Hammerbolt yet? It's fucking good. All 4 bands have provided great material.
