Black Metal.

back on a way less obscure note, I'm starting to get into various branches of bm (fer serious, this time!), wondering if any of that "suicidal" stuff a la shining is worth getting?

also dead as dreams is pretty sick. really glad I finally got it
If you're going to dive into black metal, it would probably be a good idea to pick up some of the more influential second wave material first before you listen to modern stuff.
Definitely get your self acquainted with the Xasthur/Leviathan split and the Xasthur/Nortt split when you can. If none of that grabs you then you're probably not going to enjoy any other Xasthur material. The Leviathan and nortt stuff is excellent too.
back on a way less obscure note, I'm starting to get into various branches of bm (fer serious, this time!), wondering if any of that "suicidal" stuff a la shining is worth getting?

also dead as dreams is pretty sick. really glad I finally got it
Some of the more accessible suicidal stuff includes

Thy Light

If you do end up liking Xasthur the more USBMy stuff like I Shalt Become, Krieg and Krohm may be to your liking.
The Acid Enema split is the only thing you really need IMO, and it isn't even that good. I can see why people like Nocturnal Poisoning too even though I think it is pretty boring.
The Funeral of Being is creepy and evil. Not sure why more people don't mention this one.

I like all of the Xasthur albums in their own way. Nocturnal Poisoning, Xasthur/Nortt, and Xasthur/Leviathan are probably the most essential. You get top-notch contributions from the other bands on those splits, and they're very easy to find, unlike some of the earlier ones.
The Acid Enema split is the only thing you really need IMO, and it isn't even that good. I can see why people like Nocturnal Poisoning too even though I think it is pretty boring.

That one is pretty good, and represents a more overdriven, noisy Xasthur. And Acid Enema is cool too.