Black Metal.

Damn, I actually really love Nechrist, I think its my favorite album by them. I find the album really intense and dirty. After that I rate Lunar Poetry and To the Gates.. as runneruppers.

I don't like Weltanschuang at all, Im not a fan of Vikingish sounding stuff.

You have pretty much the same taste as me.
^:lol: Still a great song. I just realized tonight I may soon run out of black metal albums I want to buy, I'm a little worried I won't be able to find stuff I like as good as Ulver, Emperor, Satyricon,etc...I still have a few but the time draws near...and I don't know what I'll do.

If your mind is limited to these few bands, maybe you should retire from the scene ...or be more opptimistic about the music, your tastes in music, and the future of black metal.
Because he basically does not even like metal or care to embrace bands who do not immediately appeal to him. I have no doubt he is an intelligent guy, but it seems like metal just kind of "isn't for him."
Because he basically does not even like metal or care to embrace bands who do not immediately appeal to him. I have no doubt he is an intelligent guy, but it seems like metal just kind of "isn't for him."

He's kind of like my friend who judges albums upon first listen and then doesn't really listen to it again (unless I get on his ass for it). Maybe he's just the kind of guy who only accepts what "clicks" immediately. Kind of gay but whatever. To each his own.
He's kind of like my friend who judges albums upon first listen and then doesn't really listen to it again (unless I get on his ass for it). Maybe he's just the kind of guy who only accepts what "clicks" immediately. Kind of gay but whatever. To each his own.

I have friends kind of like that. When they buy albums for themselves, they devote multiple listens to them in order to get into them, and let them grow on them. But when I send them CD-r's, they listen to them once, maybe twice, and don't give as much of an effort. I think at least one them is growing out of this habit, but I still suspect he gives less time to things he doesn't own in album form.
Well a lot of people are much more willing to to a give to a band that they found on their own than a band that somebody wants them to like. I know that I don't really give bands turned on to me half the chance that I would if I discovered them on my own unless they were recommended to me by my own request or if it came from somebody with extremely similar tastes to me.
Well a lot of people are much more willing to to a give to a band that they found on their own than a band that somebody wants them to like. I know that I don't really give bands turned on to me half the chance that I would if I discovered them on my own unless they were recommended to me by my own request or if it came from somebody with extremely similar tastes to me.

Yeah. But I'm not like that. I devote just as much time to albums lent from friends as I do stuff I acquired on my own. That's why I feel cheated when I lend people music and they give less effort than I would. I really see no reason to care less about something that's potentially just as good as what you buy yourself.
1) Because you know yourself better than others know you
2) Because having something shoved down your throat is fucking annoying

I'm not talking about albums lent from friends, I'm talking about "hey man check this band out it's super fucking awesome I'm sure you'll like it" type shit.
What we need to do is get someone to go to his town and plant CDrs all over the place where he would find them so he would think that he's finding them himself instead of somebody trying to force something on him.