Black Metal.

Speaking of 2nd wave does anyone here agree with me that Hades/Hades almighty is underrated?It might be the fact that they came from Norway."Dawn of the dying sun" is flawless IMO.
Discuss: 666 International

Personally I like this album, but there are many annoying qualities to it, namely the vocals (in most parts) and the piano interludes. Besides that, they really succeed in combining black metal with electronic/industrial beats, such as the beginning of "Ion Storm". If the whole album were more focused upon that aspect, I might have regarded it as one the best modern black metal albums of all time. But it's far too incoherent and in most places it fails to harness their potential.
Alright, as a fan of Ultima Thulée, I decided to get TWWTG because a lot of people here say it's their best. After listening to it I can say it's good but it's not even close to Ultima Thulée.
Ultima Thulée ftw.
I need to get more from these guys. I was thinking about picking up Estrangement but the whole four ten minute long song thing is getting a bit old for me, with my past few black metal buys with about four songs each clocking in around ten minutes.

I think the Anti-Urban EP is worth the purchase as well.

As for Estrangement, I've only listened to it once so I don't have much to say about it other than the fact that it's too short. I agree that it's a fairly enjoyable album, and it shouldn't be ignored.

Try to stay away from Songs of Grief and Solitude until you've listened to everything up to, and including Blood in our Wells, since it's moslty just acoustic variations on songs from those four albums.
Not REALLY, but if he likes one, he'll probably like the other. Regardless, you didn't exactly come up with anything better.

As for bands that sound similar, maybe Tsjuder, Satanic Warmaster, Absurd...Aborym even.